
mutual adj.1.相互的。2.〔口語〕共有的,共同的。短語和例...

mutual capacitance

The chinese government never regards aid to other countries as a kind of unilateral alms but as sth. mutual . 中國政府從來不把對外援助看作是單方面的恩賜,而認為援助是相互的。

At the wedding party , the bride and the bridegroom expressed that they would live in harmony and mutual respect and grow old together . 新娘和新郎表示要互敬互愛,白頭偕老。

Mutual influences imply that every individual is capable of exerting competitive influences upon other individuals . 相互影響意味著每一個體都能對其它個體發生競爭影響。

It had the disadvantage of consuming their mutual affections at a fearfully prodigal rate . 這種情形也有壞處,因為這就是他們以令人可怕的浪費速度,把他們相互的愛消耗。

Both were shocked at their mutual situationthat each should have betrayed anger towards the other . 他們對彼此的態度都有些吃驚,想不到竟會劍拔弩張,怒目相向。

The rejection of absolute space and absolute time introduces this mutual dependence of space and time . 對絕對空間和絕對時間的否定導致了空間和時間的相互依有。

Exciton is electron-hole pair held together by their mutual coulomb interaction . 激子就是由電子和空穴在相互間的庫侖力作用下,相互維持在一起的電子--空穴對。

A matrix of this sort occurs, for example, in electric networks when mutual inductance is present . 例如,當電網絡中有互感時,就會出現這種陣矩。

We think international trade should be based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit . 我們認為國際間貿易應該經平等互利的原則為基礎。

It leads to new observations, and to a mutual give and take between theory and observation . 它導致新的觀察并導致理論與觀察之間的相互協調。

That was because of their love for each other and their mutual faith in science . 他們的成功是由于他們彼此相愛,以及他們對科學的共同信仰。

Those mutual restraints have put an end to almost all fair commerce between the two nations . 這種相互的限制幾乎斷絕了兩國間一切公平貿易。

Theory and experiment in physics have developed side by side through mutual cross-fertilization . 物理學的理論與實驗,相互促進而并肩發展。

Mutual recrimination passed between them: they parted in anger, and were never reconciled . 他們相互責備,一氣之下分了手,從此沒再和好過。

A sense of mutual affection seemed to surround us with a ring of golden peace . 一種相親相愛的感覺似乎用一圈黃金般的和平氣氛圍繞著我們。

Over a decade, he and ben rosselli had achieved both friendship and mutual respect . 十年來,他同本羅塞利建立了友誼和互相敬重的關系。

A remarkable property of wave trains is the weakness of their mutual interactions . 波列的一個顯著特性是它們之間相互作用的微弱性。

With its membership the bond of kin was a powerful element for mutual support . 在其成員中,親屬的團結是互相支持的一個有力因素。

Mutual protection against wind is distinctly recognizable at the crown canopy . 在林冠層可以清楚地看到互相保護免遭風害的作用。