
mutinous adj.暴動的,叛變的,反抗的;反抗長官的,違抗命令的。...


He walked uphill in the mire by the side of the mail , as the rest of the passengers did ; not because they had the least relish for walking exercise , under the circumstances , but because the hill , and the harness , and the mud , and the mail , were all so heavy that the horses had three times already come to a stop , beside once drawing the coach across the road , with the mutinous intent of taking it back to blackheath 這人正隨著郵車跟其他乘客一起踏著泥濘步行上山。倒不是因為乘客們對步行鍛煉有什么偏愛,而是因為那山坡那馬具那泥濘和郵件都太叫馬匹吃力,它們已經三次站立不動,有一次還拉著郵車橫過大路,要想叛變,把車拖回黑荒原去。

Ferguson can take encouragement from the fact that his side have won all three games since the now - infamous 2 - 1 home defeat to blackburn rovers , a match that will be remembered for the throngs of supporters who turned against the manager and the mutinous chants demanding a return to 4 - 4 - 2 and the scrapping of the unpopular 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 system 但不管怎樣,他們目前連勝的勢頭無人能敵。目前我們能做的也只是緊緊咬住對方,希望對手一不小心能從高處滑下來。 ”近一時期以來曼聯取得了聯賽中的3連勝,這多少給老帥弗格森一絲安慰。

In defoe ' s he farther adventures of robinson crusoe , the shipwrecked spaniards and the mutinous english sailors have joined forces , married native women from another island , and established a thriving colony 在笛福所著該書續集《魯濱遜飄流后記》中,那些因船只失事而落難的西班牙人與那些鬧事的英國水手聯合在一起,大家娶另一島上的土著女人為妻,建立起一個興盛的殖民地。

He had a secret which he was not ready to tell , yet , but if this mutinous depression was not broken up soon , he would have to bring it out 他有一個秘密,不打算馬上說出來,但眼下這股消沉的士氣必須扭轉,他不得不亮出這張王牌了。

On account of a mutinous disposition among the infantry soldiers , the artillery park was formed on an elevation commanding the camp of the infantry 由于步兵有叛變的傾向,戰炮隊營地設在一處俯瞰步兵營業員房的高地上。

Animal farm . george orwell . mutinous farm animals run off their oppressor to establish a livestock utopia 暴動的農場家畜們逃離了它們的壓迫者建立起一個家畜烏托邦。

His mutinous first mate 背叛他的大副的

But mutinous ? hard to believe 但造反?難以置信

Oh , but he won ' t use it though , save for one man . his mutinous first mate 哦,他那顆子彈是留給背叛他的大副的

My baby was a mutinous child 我的孩子是個不聽話的孩子。

With one mutinous skeleton of a legion 陪伴他的是一群反叛軍團

Desperate to come home , mutinous 不顧一切地想回家都很想造反了

He was sentenced to death for his mutinous behavior 他因反叛行為而被判死刑。

A mutinous brigade threatening its officers should certainly be surrounded and forced to surrender by stoppage of all supplies . 對一個脅迫長官、實行嘩變的旅當然應該加以包圍,并采用停止一切供應措施,迫使它投降。

The young american is now in an ancient, condemned whaler, with a mutinous crew and a weak captain . 那個年輕的美國人現在置身于一條舊得不能再用的捕鯨船上,船員心存叛亂,船長軟弱無能。

On the evening of the same day the mutinous greek ships were boarded by loyal greek sailors . 當日晚間,發生叛變的希臘軍艦已被忠誠的希臘水兵占領。

Claggart seeks an interview with vere and alleges that billy is involved in a mutinous conspiracy . 克拉加特求見維爾,斷言畢利卷入了嘩變陰謀。

In this guise he gathered information about mutinous and subversive designs . 以這個名義,他收集了搞叛變和顛覆活動的陰謀計劃的情報。

Uiliami spoke for the army. his men were discontented and mutinous . 尤利亞米代表軍方發言,說他的部下滿腹牢騷,有嘩變的危險。