
mutability n.可變性;易變性。 mutability of hum...


At the same time , period of air temperature and precipitation over the two area and mutability of climate chang were analyzed by using the records of air temperature and precipitation from baoji , xi “ an and ilanzhong , ankang observations . because their records have a much longer time series 2 ,秦嶺東、西部地區在80年代以來表礬出幾乎共同的特點,即氣溫都是上升的而降水則表觀為減少,換句話說,都具有暖干化趨勢。不同的是秦嶺西部地區的l干化幅度明顯大于東部地區。

Moreover , because of the increasing intension of the competition among industries and among enterprises , the enterprise information system ( eis ) becomes a key element of core competition . however , the mutability and complexity of requirement of eis , which probably make it out of control , increases the difficulty of developing is . and so , developing a set of is products adaptive to mutable market requirement is the key element of core competition of the independent software vendors of is products 由于產業間、企業間的競爭日趨激烈,企業信息系統也已經成為企業核心競爭力一個重要內容,然而日益復雜的信息系統需求變化,大大增大了信息系統開發的難度,其系統規模和成本趨于失控的狀態;同時一個能否及時適應市場需求的信息系統產品也已經成為了信息系統獨立軟件供應商核心競爭力的一個重要內容。

While the justification for mutability is often based on performance , because there is no need to create a new object every time its state changes , the performance cost of defensive copying can easily outweigh the performance savings from reduced object creation 認為可變性更合理是基于性能方面的考慮,因為不需要在每次狀態改變時都創建一個新對象,然而,由防御性復制所招致的性能代價能輕而易舉地抵消掉因為減少了對象創建而節省下來的性能。

Specifies that the subsequent array address operation performs no type check at run time , and that it returns a managed pointer whose mutability is restricted 指定后面的數組地址操作在運行時不執行類型檢查,并且返回可變性受限的托管指針。

Specify that the subsequent array address operation performs no type check at run time , and that it returns a managed pointer with restricted mutability 指定后面的數組地址操作在運行時不執行類型檢查,并且返回可變性受限的托管指針。

Its variety , fuzzy quality , mutability , randomness predicted degree of difficulty of the question after determining out of shape 其多樣性、模糊性、易變性、隨機性決定了變形預報問題的難度。

This outward mutability indicated , and did not more than fairly express , the various properties of her inner life 外表上的千變萬化說明其實是恰到好處地表現出她內在生命的多方面的特性。

Mutability . a similar impression struck him most remarkably , as he passed under the walls of his own church 當他走過他自己教堂的墻下時,這種類似的印象給他的感觸最為突出。

The pointer is said to have restricted mutability because the defining type controls whether the value can be mutated 指針具有受限的可變性,因為定義類型控制了值是否可變。

Mutable turned out to be costly to program clarity and performance . the mutability of the 依后見之明,使point成為可變的這個決定被證明對于程序清晰性和性能是昂貴的代價。

It brings very heavy risk to the enterprise of oil sell be by the mutability of time value “ 成品油“時間價值”的易變性給成品油經銷企業的經營活動帶來了很大的風險。

The verifier treats the result of the address - of operation as a managed pointer with restricted mutability 驗證工具將address - of操作的結果當作可變性受限的托管指針。

Be aware that the mutability of the property type affects what the end user can change 注意,屬性類型的可變性會影響最終用戶可以更改的內容。

Since it would avoid the issues regarding the possible mutability of the ,因為它可以避免在序列的消息與消息間的