
musty adj.(-tier; -tiest) 發霉的,霉臭的;...


On late night tv from the comfort of her couch , while wong tracks down lee s distant relatives in western cinema , carl theodor dreyer and ingmar bergman . michael lam enters lee s costume - drama world under full license - distant childhood memories intertwined with present day viewing experience - and salvages long forgotten cinema classics from the musty closet 還有邁克,一頭栽進李晨風的古裝世界,嬉皮笑臉把童年的回憶和今天的閱讀攪拌在一起,抵死反斗的同時,也將李晨風一些久被遺忘了的作品,從塵封的角落里從新挖掘出來。

So , he pushed open the door with the weak rattle in its throat , stumbled down the two steps , got past the two ancient cashiers , and shouldered himself into the musty back closet where mr . lorry sat at great books ruled for figures , with perpendicular iron bars to his window as if that were ruled for figures too , and everything under the clouds were a sum 于是,他推開了門那門喉嚨里輕微地咕嚕了一聲,一個趔趄落下兩步階梯,走過了兩位老出納員,橫沖直撞地擠進了羅瑞先生那長了霉的后間密室。羅瑞先生坐在龐大的帳本面前,帳本的格子里寫滿了數字。他窗戶上垂直的鋼條似乎也是用來寫數字的格子,而在云天之下的每一件事物則是填在格子里的數字。

Then no sooner was the house empty than it grew dark : the footlights went out ; the chandelier was turned down ; long strips of gray canvas slipped from the stage boxes and swathed the gilt ornamentation of the galleries , and the house , lately so full of heat and noise , lapsed suddenly into a heavy sleep , while a musty , dusty odor began to pervade it 隨后,觀眾還未走完,大廳內就暗下來,成排腳燈熄滅了,大吊燈的光線變暗了,長長的灰色布罩從舞臺兩側的包廂上落下來,蓋住了樓廳的金色裝飾。那樣炎熱人聲鼎沸的大廳,頓時仿佛沉睡了,發出一股霉味和塵土的氣味。

My sisters and i never wanted to take a bath at grandma ' s house , because we discovered that anyone who lay on the floor on his stomach and put one eye to the hole could see the bathtub , which was kept in the musty basement because the upstairs bathroom was too small 我和我的姐妹們從來不敢在奶奶家里洗澡.因為如果有人伏下來,瞇著一只眼睛往那個洞里一瞟,就可以看到浴缸.浴缸是置放在墻腳邊的,因為樓上的浴室太小了

“ the popular culture is increasingly oriented to fulfilling the desires of adults , “ she wrote in a recent report . “ child - rearing values - sacrifice , stability , dependability , maturity - seem stale and musty by comparison . 她在最近的一篇報告中寫道: “大眾文化正日益以滿足成年人的欲望為導向。而犧牲、穩定、可靠及成熟等育兒的價值觀似乎已經過時了。 ”

The house was empty , and i sat out in his musty dark living room on a beautiful sunny hawaiian day , waiting to talk to a cheapskate who exploited children 一個小時過去了,那天夏威夷陽光燦爛,外邊時不時地傳來大人、孩子嬉戲的笑聲,而我卻仍在那幢陳舊黑暗的屋子里坐著,等候一個剝削童工的小商人的召見。

For each of us , when our day ' s work is done , must seek our ideal , whether it be love or pinochle or lobster la newburg , or the sweet silence of the musty bookshelves 對我們每個人來說,一天的工作結束之后,一定去尋求我們的心愿,不管這心愿是愛情或匹納克爾牌或紐堡醬龍蝦,還是愉快的靜靜地讀本書。

It was a testament , in lean type , and smelling dreadfully musty : a fly - leaf bore the inscription - catherine earnshaw , her book , and a date some quarter of a century back 那是一本圣經,印的是細長字體,有很濃的霉味。書前面的白紙寫著“凱瑟琳恩蕭,她的書” ,還注了一個日期,那是在二十來年以前了。

For each of us , when our day ' s work is done , must seek our ideal , whether it be love or pinochle or lobster la newburg , or the sweet silence of the musty bookshelves 對我們每個人來說,一天的工作結束之后,肯定去尋求我們的理想,不管這理想是愛情或打牌或美味佳肴,還是愉快地靜靜地讀本書。

There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty , dark , disordered rooms a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of assorted junk that litter the floors 人們還常常有希望在發霉、陰暗、雜亂無章、迷宮般的店堂里,從雜亂地擺放在地面上的、一堆堆各式各樣的破爛貨里找到一件稀世珍品。

There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty , dark , disordered rooms a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of assorted junk that little the floors 人們還常常有希望在發霉、陰暗、雜亂無章、迷宮般的店堂里,從雜亂地擺放在地面上的、一堆堆各式各樣的破爛貨里找到一件稀世珍品。

However , in the face of “ dazzling spark “ like this , i wonder what reason it is , but bury in heap of musty old books or papers of history for a long time , few people go explore it 然而,如此“耀眼的火花” ,不知是何原因,卻被長期埋沒于歷史的故紙堆當中,很少有人去發掘它。

It wasn ' t 4 ) versailles , potsdam or president bush and kim jong - il , and no one in the musty locker room was quite sure what they were seeing 這次和解的結果不是凡爾賽合約,不是波茨坦公告,也不是布什總統與金正日會談。在潮氣撲鼻的更衣室里,誰也不知道自己到底看到了什么。

Yoshimi matsubara fights to gain legal custody of her five - year old daughter while the two live together in a dark , sullen and musty apartment builid . . 兩母女物色了一幢舊公寓居住,入伙后怪事連篇:天花板無緣無故滴水,水頭流出頭發,家里更不時傳來陣陣女童的聲音. .

I felt claustrophobic as i entered the narrow living room , which was filled with old musty overstuffed furniture that today would be collector ' s items 當我進入到狹小的臥室時感到有些害怕,這間臥室里塞滿了陳舊發霉而厚重的家具,它們早該成為收藏者的藏品了。

Yoshimi matsubara fights to gain legal custody of her five - year old daughter while the two live together in a dark , sullen and musty apartment builidng 日本首席女優黑木瞳震撼演繹,令人不寒而栗,心膽俱裂,猶如進入幽冥鬼界。

The house was musty , and there was a faint , sweet smell of carpet cleaner , as if someone ( the caretaker we paid 老屋里一股霉味,還有股淡淡的地毯清潔劑的香味,好像有人(是我們付錢雇傭的保姆么? )

The growth of penicillium in crackes will bring musty odor and bitterness in liquor , which causes serious damage on liquor production 裂縫中滋生的青霉會對釀酒生產產生危害,給白酒帶來霉苦味。

But the reasoning is somewhat musty ; lovers and husbands have gone over the ground before to - day 不過這種理論未免有些陳舊早在今天以前,做情人的和做丈夫的已經超越了這種理論。