
muster n.1.(檢閱點名時的)召集,集合;檢閱,集合人員;群集...

muster book

Over . the dishes in this restaurant pass muster . we meet here 過來.這家餐館的菜還可以.我們就在這里碰頭

She wasn ' t a first - rate violinist , but she passed muster 她不是一流的小提琴手,但是她也還算令人滿意。

She was not a first - rate violinist , but she passed muster 她不是第一流的小提琴演奏家,但是還過得去。

Yao will compete with every bit of heart he can muster 姚明會把心中的每一絲勇氣都激發出來和你死拼。

They mustered all their courage 他們召集了他們所有的勇氣。

Application of quantities muster offer 工程量清單報價的應用

His english is very fluent , and his pronuciation just pass muster 他的英語很流利,他的發音也不錯。

The troops mustered ( on the square ) 部隊已(在廣場上)集合

Like a beehive or an ant colony can muster a defense 就象一個蜂房,或是一個蟻群可以發動防衛戰一樣

The crew had been mustered to batten down the hatches 所有船員被集合起來進行封艙以防暴風雨襲擊。

The president couldn ' t muster the votes to fend off impeachment 總統未能拉到足夠票數去避過彈劾。

They passed muster with the sentries 他們通過了哨兵們的檢查。

John forbes is mustering more men throughout south texas 約翰?福布斯正在整個南德克薩斯招募更多人

At the end of the war henry was mustered out as an ensign 亨利在戰爭結束退伍時是一個海軍少尉。

You see , you can never muster the streng th 瞧,你連為這么一點

The mate mustered the ship ' s company 大副召集船上全體人員點名。

Go and muster all the men you can find 去集合所有你能找到的人。

I mustered the courage to admit my mistake 我鼓起勇氣承認錯誤。

You see , you can never muster the streng ] th . . 瞧,你連為這么一點