muslin n.1.平紋細布;〔美國〕棉布。2.〔俚語〕女性,婦女。...
n. 1.平紋細布;〔美國〕棉布。 2.〔俚語〕女性,婦女。 短語和例子a bit of muslin 〔英口〕婦女,少女。 “absorbent muslin“ 中文翻譯: 脫脂麥斯林紗“art muslin“ 中文翻譯: 裝飾薄紗“binding muslin“ 中文翻譯: 書面布“bleached muslin“ 中文翻譯: 漂白袈裟布; 脫脂麥斯林紗“book muslin“ 中文翻譯: 書面細布“butter muslin“ 中文翻譯: 奶油包布; 牛油平紋薄棉布“butter-muslin“ 中文翻譯: 細薄的棉布“cambric muslin“ 中文翻譯: 漂白軋光細布“check muslin“ 中文翻譯: 凸紋格子薄紗“china muslin“ 中文翻譯: 印花細布“clear muslin“ 中文翻譯: 細薄平布“crinoline muslin“ 中文翻譯: 硬挺細布“dacca muslin“ 中文翻譯: 達卡細平布“dotted muslin“ 中文翻譯: 點子花薄紗“foundation muslin“ 中文翻譯: (上膠的)硬襯里細紗。 “heavy muslin“ 中文翻譯: 粗緯平布“india muslin“ 中文翻譯: 印度細布“indian muslin“ 中文翻譯: 印度薄細布; 尤薄細布“madras muslin“ 中文翻譯: 馬德拉斯窗簾紗; 馬德拉斯窗紗“moutan muslin“ 中文翻譯: 浮花薄紗“mull muslin“ 中文翻譯: 細薄衣料“muslin bag“ 中文翻譯: 棉布袋“muslin bandage“ 中文翻譯: 布織繃帶“unbleached muslin“ 中文翻譯: 本色薄洋紗印花坯布“muslimovic“ 中文翻譯: 穆斯利莫維奇“muslimov“ 中文翻譯: 穆斯利莫夫
muslin delaine |
To his left , back of the rows of citizens , was a spacious temporary platform upon which were seated the scholars who were to take part in the exercises of the evening ; rows of small boys , washed and dressed to an intolerable state of discomfort ; rows of gawky big boys ; snowbanks of girls and young ladies clad in lawn and muslin and conspicuously conscious of their bare arms , their grandmothers ancient trinkets , their bits of pink and blue ribbon and the flowers in their hair 一排排的小男孩被家長打扮得過了頭,個個被洗得干干凈凈,穿得整整,讓人覺得都有點不舒服。接著的是一排排大男孩,顯得有些靦腆和呆板。再瞧那些小女孩和大姑娘,她們一身素裝,潔白耀眼,個個穿著細麻軟布做的衣服,頭上插著許多裝飾品,有鮮花,有粉紅和藍色相間的發帶,還有老祖母傳下來的各種小裝飾物。 |
From every enjoyment i was , of course , excluded : my share of the gaiety consisted in witnessing the daily apparelling of eliza and georgiana , and seeing them descend to the drawing - room , dressed out in thin muslin frocks and scarlet sashes , with hair elaborately ringleted ; and afterwards , in listening to the sound of the piano or the harp played below , to the passing to and fro of the butler and footman , to the jingling of glass and china as refreshments were handed , to the broken hum of conversation as the drawing - room door opened and closed 在蓋茨黑德,圣誕節和元旦照例喜氣洋洋地慶祝一番,相互交換禮物,舉行圣誕晚餐和晚會,當然,這些享受一概與我無緣,我的那份樂趣是每天眼睜睜瞧著伊麗莎和喬治亞娜的裝束,看她們著薄紗上衣,系大紅腰帶,披著精心制作的卷發下樓到客廳去。隨后傾聽樓下彈奏鋼琴和豎琴的聲音,管家和仆人來來往往的腳步聲,上點心時杯盤磕碰的叮咚聲,隨著客廳門啟閉時斷時續傳來的談話聲,聽膩了。 |
At first , being little accustomed to learn by heart , the lessons appeared to me both long and difficult ; the frequent change from task to task , too , bewildered me ; and i was glad when , about three o clock in the afternoon , miss smith put into my hands a border of muslin two yards long , together with needle , thimble , etc . , and sent me to sit in a quiet corner of the schoolroom , with directions to hem the same 起先,由于我不習慣背誦,覺得課文似乎又長又難,功課一門門不斷變換,弄得我頭昏腦脹。下午三點光景,史密斯小姐把一根兩碼長的平紋細布滾邊塞到我手里,連同針和頂針之類的東西,讓我坐在教室僻靜的角落,根據指令依樣畫葫蘆縫上滾邊,我一時喜出望外。 |
Carmela was attired like a woman of sonnino . her cap was embroidered with pearls , the pins in her hair were of gold and diamonds , her girdle was of turkey silk , with large embroidered flowers , her bodice and skirt were of cashmere , her apron of indian muslin , and the buttons of her corset were of jewels 她的帽子上繡著珍珠,她的金發針上嵌著鉆石,她的腰帶是土耳其綢做的,上面繡著幾朵大花,她的短衫和裙子是克什米爾呢子做的,她的圍裙是印度麻紗的,她胸衣上的紐子都是大粒的珍珠。 |
The daughter was already fingering at the folds of her gown and looking interrogatively at her mother , when suddenly they heard in the next room several girls and boys running to the door , and the grating sound of a chair knocked over and a girl of thirteen ran in , hiding something in her short muslin petticoat , and stopped short in the middle of the room 女客的女兒正在弄平連衣裙,用疑問的眼神望著母親,就在這時分,忽然聽見隔壁房里傳來一群男人和女人向門口迅跑的步履聲絆倒椅子的響聲,一個十三歲的女孩跑進房里來,用那短短的紗裙蓋住一件什么東西,她在房間當中停步了。 |
The wide view that opened out from the heights where the russian batteries stood guarding the bridge was at times narrowed by the slanting rain that shut it in like a muslin curtain , then again widened out , and in the bright sunlight objects could be distinctly seen in the distance , looking as if covered with a coat of varnish 護衛橋梁的俄國炮臺所坐落的高地前所展現的遼闊的遠景,時而突被紗幔般的斜雨所遮蔽,時而顯得很開闊,艷陽照耀下的景致仿佛涂了一層清油漆,從遠處也清晰可辨。 |
A snug small room ; a round table by a cheerful fire ; an arm - chair high - backed and old - fashioned , wherein sat the neatest imaginable little elderly lady , in widow s cap , black silk gown , and snowy muslin apron ; exactly like what i had fancied mrs . fairfax , only less stately and milder looking 這是一個舒適的小房間,溫暖的爐火旁擺著一張圓桌,一條老式高背安樂椅上,坐著一位整潔不過的矮小老婦人,頭戴寡婦帽,身穿黑色絲綢長袍,還圍著雪白的平紋細布圍裙,跟我想象中的費爾法克斯太太一模一樣,只是不那么威嚴,卻顯得更加和藹罷了。 |
Certainly , in the eyes of an artist , the exact and strict costume of teresa had a very different character from that of carmela and her companions ; and teresa was frivolous and coquettish , and thus the embroidery and muslins , the cashmere waist - girdles , all dazzled her , and the reflection of sapphires and diamonds almost turned her giddy brain 當然羅,在藝術家的眼里,德麗莎那種古板嚴謹的服裝,與卡美拉和她同伴的比較起來,的確風格很不相同。但德麗莎原是生性輕佻而好賣弄風騷的,所以那些刺繡呀,花紗呀,克什米爾呢子的腰帶呀什么的,都使她目迷心醉,而那藍寶石和金剛鉆的反光幾乎使她的腦子暈眩起來。 |
The baron , followed by the count , traversed a long series of apartments , in which the prevailing characteristics were heavy magnificence and the gaudiness of ostentatious wealth , until he reached the boudoir of madame danglars - a small octagonal - shaped room , hung with pink satin , covered with white indian muslin 那是一間八角形的小房間,掛著粉紅色薄綾和白色印度麻紗門簾和窗帷。椅子的式樣和質地都是古色古香的,門上畫著布歇布歇:專畫鄉土裝飾畫的法國畫家。 |
She was elegantly dressed ; she wore a muslin dress with full panels , a square indian shawl embroidered at the corners with gold thread and silk flowers , a leghorn straw hat and a single bracelet , one of those thick gold chains which were then just beginning to be fashionable 她服飾典雅,穿著一條鑲滿花邊的細紗長裙,肩上披一塊印度方巾,四角全是金鑲邊和絲繡的花朵,戴著一頂意大利草帽,還戴著一只手鐲,那是當時剛剛時行的一種粗金鏈子。 |
She was then proceeding to all the particulars of calico , muslin , and cambric , and would shortly have dictated some very plentiful orders , had not jane , though with some difficulty , persuaded her to wait till her father was at leisure to be consulted 于是她就一五一十地報出一大篇布的名目:細洋紗印花布麻紗,恨不得一下子就把樣樣貨色都購置全,吉英好容易才勸住了她,叫她等到父親有空的時候再商量,又說,遲一天完全無關緊要。 |
The marriage of a daughter , which had been the first object of her wishes since jane was sixteen , was now on the point of accomplishment , and her thoughts and her words ran wholly on those attendants of elegant nuptials , fine muslins , new carriages , and servants 遠從吉英十六歲那年起,她的第一個心愿就是嫁女兒,現在她快要如愿以償了。她的思想言論都完全離不了婚嫁的漂亮排場上好的細說紗,新的馬車,以及男女傭仆之類的事情。 |
Her head and neck , shoulders , ears , arms , hands and toes , were loaded down with jewels and gems , - with bracelets , earrings , and rings ; while a tunic bordered with gold , and covered with a light muslin robe , betrayed the outline of her form 她頭上頸上肩上耳上胳臀上手指上和腳趾上戴著:寶石頸練手鐲耳環和戒指。她穿著繡金的緊身胸衣,外面罩著透明的紗麗,襯托出她的體態和豐姿。 |
But the happy day did come . and when on that memorable sunday natasha returned from the sacrament wearing a white muslin dress , for the first time for many months she felt at peace , and not oppressed by the life that lay before her 但是幸福日子終于來臨,在這對她值得紀念的禮拜日,當娜塔莎身著雪白的細紗衣裳領過圣餐歸來時,無數個月以來她第一次感受到了心平氣和不為眼前的生活所壓抑。 |
I wish you could have seen my queen today , vincent said , how young she was and radiant lalage were scarce fair beside her in her yellow shoes and frock of muslin , i do not know the right name of it “我倒是巴不得你今天能見到我的女王哩, ”文森特說, “她有多么年輕,容光煥發拉拉吉260跟她站在一起也會黯然失色,穿著淡黃色的鞋和好像是平紋細布做的連衣裙。 |
On her account rose mignon was forgotten , though she was made up as a delicious baby , with a wicker - work burlet on her head and a short muslin frock and had just sighed forth diana s plaints in a sweetly pretty voice 羅絲扮演一個有趣的娃娃,頭上戴著一頂柳條編的軟墊帽,身著一條平紋細布短裙,她剛剛用迷人的聲調訴說了對月神的怨恨。 |
He had scarcely been a week at leghorn before the hold of his vessel was filled with printed muslins , contraband cottons , english powder , and tobacco on which the excise had forgotten to put its mark 船長一向總是惜時如金,他在里窩那停靠了不到一星期,他的船上已裝滿了印花紗布,禁止出口的棉花,英國火藥和專賣局忘記蓋上印的煙草。 |
Here , look . she pulled up her muslin sleeve and showed him on her long , thin , soft arm above the elbow near the shoulder on the part which is covered even in a ball - dress a red mark 請你看看, ”她卷起細紗布袖筒,讓他看看她那瘦長而柔軟的小手臂上,即是在肩膀以下,比肘彎高得多的部位上的一塊紅印這個部位常被舞會服裝遮蔽著。 |
Their eyes were immediately wandering up in the street in quest of the officers , and nothing less than a very smart bonnet indeed , or a really new muslin in a shop window , could recall them 她們的眼睛立刻對著街頭看來看去,看看有沒有軍官們走過,此外就只有商店櫥窗里的極漂亮的女帽,或者是最新式的花洋布,才能吸引她們。 |