
musketry n.1.〔集合詞〕滑膛槍,舊式步槍;步槍隊。2.步槍火力...


Since there was nothing to be said , and neither was willing to give the other grounds for asserting that he was the first to withdraw from under fire , they might have remained a long while standing there , mutually testing each others pluck , if there had not at that moment been heard in the copse , almost behind them , the snap of musketry and a confused shout of voices 因為沒有什么話可說,兩個人都不愿意使對方有所借口,說他頭一個走出了子彈的射程,若不是這時在森林中,幾乎是在他們身后傳來了噼噼啪啪的槍聲和匯成一片的低沉的喊聲,他們就要長久地站在那里比賽勇氣。

But the sun still stood high behind the veil of smoke , and in front , and even more so to the left , about semyonovskoye , there was still a turmoil seething in the smoke ; and the roar of cannon and musketry , far from slackening , grew louder and more desperate , like a man putting all his force into one deafening outcry as a last despairing effort 被濃煙遮著的太陽仍高高地照耀著,在前面,特別是在謝苗諾夫斯科耶村的左方,有什么東西在煙霧里沸騰著,隆隆的槍炮聲炮彈的爆炸聲,不但沒有減弱,反而加強了,正像一個人竭盡全力地拼命叫喊一樣。

At eight oclock the boom of cannon mingled with the rattle of musketry . the streets were thronged with people , hurrying about , and also with soldiers , but drivers plied for hire , the shopkeepers stood at their shops , and services were being held in the churches just as usual 從早晨八點開始,步槍聲中夾雜著大炮的轟鳴,街上有許多不知往何處急急忙忙走著的行人,也還有士兵,但仍和平時一樣,馬車來來往往,商人站在店鋪里,教堂里做禮拜。

This was how it was : a spring of clear water rose almost at the top of a knoll . well , on the knoll , and enclosing the spring , they had clapped a stout log - house , fit to hold two score of people on a pinch , and loop - holed for musketry on every side 它是這個樣子的:一股清泉幾乎是從一個小丘的頂上涌出來,這樣,在小丘上面,他們圍著泉水用圓木搭了座結實的木屋子,危急時刻,里面可以容納四十人,四面都有射擊孔。

The roar of cannon and the rattle of musketry were growing louder all over the field , especially on the left , where bagrations earthworks were , but from where pierre was , hardly anything could be seen for the smoke 整個戰場槍炮聲越來越密,特別是在巴格拉季翁的凸角堡所在的左翼,但在皮埃爾這兒,硝煙彌漫,幾乎什么都看不見。

The sound dying away , then quickening againof the musketry fire below the hill seemed to him like the heaving of some creatures breathing 山下傳來的步槍的互相射擊聲,時而停息,時而劇烈,他覺得這好像是某人在那里呼吸。

The cannonade had grown feebler , but the snapping of musketry - fire in the rear and on the right was heard nearer and more often 炮聲變得低沉了,可是后面和右面越近越密地聽見噼噼啪啪的槍聲。

The rows of infantry soldiers vanished into the smoke , but they could hear a prolonged shout from them and a rapid musketry fire 步兵隊伍被濃煙淹沒了,傳來拉長的喊聲和密集的步槍射擊聲。