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musical play 音樂劇。

musical ride

For example , the yis dances can be divided into the 7 major types of axitiaoyue , cigarette case dance , luozuo dance , dage , hugu dance , the sixuan dance and the copper encourage dance ; the peacock dance and xiangjiaogu dance of dai clan which are known for the chinese and foreign also become the different special features because the people create again ; the munaozongge of jingpo clan , baixian dance , fan dance and niugu dance of hani clan , overlord s whip , shangfeiyan of bai clan , lusheng dance of lagu clan , zhongdianguozhang , deqinxuanzi of zang clan , the copper bell dance of the clan of ; the seedling clan jumps ; the production dance of the clan ; the clan pipa dance ; the big drum dance of brown s clan ; the tube - shaped container dance of the promise clan ; “ ascend the luo “ of the clan of ; the water of the virtuous clan of encourage ; only the cow dance of the dragon clan ; the dance in a chuang of the rice clan ; mongolia “ together the is each early “ of the clan and create mosslem people s musical play “ return to dragon “ of the plait etc 比如,彝族舞蹈可分為,阿細跳月煙盒舞羅作舞打歌花鼓舞絲弦舞銅鼓舞7大類聞名中外的傣族孔雀舞象腳鼓舞由于藝人們的再創造,也形成了不同的流派特色景頗族的“木腦縱歌”哈尼族的白鷴舞扇子舞扭鼓舞白族“繞山林”中的霸王鞭雙飛燕,拉祜族的蘆笙舞納西族的“哦熱熱”東巴舞藏族的中甸鍋莊德欽弦子瑤族的銅鈴舞苗族的跳蘆笙怒族的生產舞僳族琵琶舞布朗族的大鼓舞基諾族的竹筒舞阿昌族的“登娥羅”德昂族的水鼓舞獨族的剽牛舞普米族的鍋莊舞蒙古族的“納各早”以及創編的回族歌舞劇“回”等。

At the seminar , the most recent renditions of this folktale in taiwan - the collective nostalgic musical play butterfly lovers 40 2002 , the middle - class butterfly lovers : chinese romantic musical 2003 starring a leading pop singer with a score by a classical composer , and the disney - tinted animated film 2003 were discussed alongside hong kongs various old cantonese film versions , the queer musical version 1998 - 99 , tsui harks film 1994 , and the chinese mainlands opera versions and the programmatic violin concerto 此外,李博士更對不同年代的梁祝作品進行分析,當中包括不同版本的香港舊粵語電影杜國威先生的酷異音樂劇queer opera 1998 - 99徐克先生的電影梁祝1994 ,以及中國內地不同的戲曲版本和梁祝小提琴協奏曲。

Literature and art joint performance the 20 over a piece of programses of performance , including , , , , , , read musical play aloud two - man act song modern drama essay dancing , unusually brilliant 文藝匯演表演的20余個節目,包括舞蹈、小品、話劇、歌曲、雙簧、音樂劇、朗誦等,精彩紛呈。

Her performance led to a leading role in the broadway musical play aida 她的精湛演技使得她贏得了在百老匯的歌劇《阿伊達》中扮演主角的機會。

She was in one of the most successful musical plays in broadway history 她曾出演百老匯歷史上最成功的音樂劇之一。

This musical play was based on an adaptation of a famous book 這部音樂劇是根據一部著名的書作改編而成的。