
muscular adj.1.肌(肉)的。2.肌肉發達的,有膂力的,壯健的...

muscular dystrophy

Prenatal diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy based on umbilical cord blood 胎兒臍帶血產前診斷脊髓性肌萎縮癥

Semi - muscular . semi - muscular 就是有點肌肉又不會太多

The muscular musician found the bud in the mud in the iseum 肌肉發達的音樂家在博物館里的泥巴中發現了嫩? 。

My muscular buttocks it ' s 40 . it is 吃屎去吧,還40 %

Another example might be a member who wants to increase muscular strength 再如,可能有人想增強肌肉強度。

My muscular buttocks it ' s 40 . it is . . 吃屎去吧,還40 %

Progressive spinal muscular atrophy 進行性脊髓性肌萎縮

Study on the training principle and methods for muscular strength 從力學角度探討肌肉力量訓練的原理及方法

He seems to be the most muscular guy 他看起來似乎最魁偉

The player ' s big and muscular 這個運動員長得魁梧強壯。

Very stylish in dress strong and muscular 強壯的結實的

He was almost moved to some muscular display as he thought of it 他這樣想著,興奮得幾乎要手舞足蹈了。

In order to climb hills , muscular power is another key trait 為了爬坡,肌肉的力量是另一種關鍵特性。

He seems to be the most muscular guy 他看起來似乎最魁偉。

If mcpherson weren ' t muscular and handsome in a cheap sort of way 如果麥克佛森不是這樣強壯英俊的話

4 . strenthens the partial muscular motion 4 .增強局部肌肉運動

Your muscular shoulder and chest impress me deeply 你肩膀和胸部肌肉發達,這給我留下很深的印象。

Why ? can you tell ? - you seem more muscular , sir 哦?你能看出來嗎? -你的肌肉看起來更發達了

- why ? can you tell ? - you seem more muscular , sir -哦?你能看出來嗎? -你的肌肉看起來更發達了