
murther n.,〔方言〕= murder.


They who know what it is to have a reprieve brought to them upon the ladder , or to be rescued from thieves just a going to murther them , or , who have been in such like extremities , may guess what my present surprise of joy was , and how gladly i put my boat into the stream of this eddy , and the wind also freshening , how gladly i spread my sail to it , running chearfully before the wind , and with a strong tide or eddy under foot 假如有人在臨上絞架時忽然得到赦免,或者正要被強盜謀害時忽然獲救,或者有過類似的死里逃生的經歷,就不難體會到我當時那種喜出望外的心情,也不難設想我把船駛進那股回流是多么欣喜若狂。平時,正當風順水急,我張帆乘風破浪向前,那歡快的心情是不難想像的。

At length they came up to the boat ; but tis impossible to express their confusion , when they found the boat fast a - ground in the creek , the tide ebb d out , and their two men gone we could hear them call to one another in a most lamentable manner , telling one another , they were gotten into an inchanted island ; that either there were inhabitants in it , and they should all be murther d , or else there were devils and spirits in it , and they should be all carry d away , and devour d 我們聽見他們互相你呼我喚,聲音十分凄慘。他們都說是上了一個魔島,島上不是有人,就是有妖怪。如果有人,他們必然會被殺得一個不剩如果有妖怪,他們也必然會被妖怪抓走,吃個精光。

This appear d so clear to me now , that nothing was a greater satisfaction to me , than that i had not been suffer d to do a thing which i now saw so much reason to believe would have been no less a sin , than that of wilful murther , if i had committed it ; and i gave most humble thanks on my knees to god , that had thus deliver d me from blood - guiltiness ; beseeching him to grant me the protection of his providence , that i might not fall into the hands of the barbarians ; or that i might not lay my hands upon them , unless i had a more clear call from heaven to do it , in defence of my own life 我覺得,上帝沒有讓我干出這件事來,實是一件最令我慶幸的事情。我認識到,我沒有任何理由去干這件事如果我真的干了,我所犯的罪行無異于故意謀殺。于是我跪下來,以最謙卑的態度向上帝表示感謝,感謝他把我從殺人流血的罪惡中拯救出來,并祈禱他保佑我,不讓我落入野人手里,以防止我動手傷害他們降非上天高聲召喚我,讓我為了自衛才這樣做。

They were so astonish d at the surprize of this , that as they told us afterwards , they resolv d to go all on board again to their ship , and let them know , that the men were all murther d , and the long - boat stav d ; accordingly they immediately launch d their boat again , and gat all of them on board 這事大大出乎他們的意料,使他們萬分驚訝。事后他們告訴我們,他們當時決定回到大船上去,告訴船上的人說,那批人都給殺光了,長艇也給鑿沉了。于是,他們馬上把小船推到水里,一起上了船。

That i ought to consider i had been fed even by miracle , even as great as that of feeding elijah by ravens ; nay , by a long series of miracles , and that i could hardly have nam d a place in the unhabitable part of the world where i could have been cast more to my advantage : a place , where as i had no society , which was my affliction on one hand , so i found no ravenous beast , no furious wolves or tygers to threaten my life , no venomous creatures or poisonous , which i might feed on to my hurt , no savages to murther and devour me 應該說,正是由于發生了一系列的奇跡,我至今還能活著。在世界上所有荒無人煙的地區,我感到沒有一個地方會比我現在流落的荒島更好了。雖說這兒遠離人世,形單影只,使我非常苦惱,但這兒沒有吃人的野獸,沒有兇猛的虎狼害我性命,沒有毒人的動物和植物,吃下去會把我毒死,更沒有野人會把我殺了吃掉。

Besides , after some pause upon this affair , i consider d , that if this land was the spanish coast , i should certainly , one time or other , see some vessel pass or re - pass one way or other ; but if not , then it was the savage coast between the spanish country and brasils , which are indeed the worst of savages ; for they are cannibals , or men - eaters , and fail not to murther and devour all the humane bodies that fall into their hands 另外,我經過了一番思考,得出了如下的結論:如果這片陸地確實是屬于西班牙領地的海岸,那遲早會有船只經過如果沒有船只在那邊的海岸來往,那兒肯定是位于西班牙領地和巴西之間的蠻荒海岸,上面住著最野蠻的土人。這些土人都是吃人的野人。任何人落入他們的手里,都會給他們吃掉。

I had neither food , house , clothes , weapon , or place to fly to , and in despair of any relief , saw nothing but death before me , either that i should be devour d by wild beasts , murther d by savages , or starv d to death for want of food 整整一天,我為自己凄涼的境遇悲痛欲絕。我沒有食物,沒有房屋,沒有衣服,沒有武器,也沒有地方可逃,沒有獲救的希望,只有死路一條,不是被野獸吞嚼,被野人飽腹,就是因缺少食物而活活餓死。

There they lye , sir , said he , pointing to a thicket of trees ; my heart trembles , for fear they have seen us , and heard you speak , if they have , they will certainly murther us all “他說, “說來話長,而我們的兇手又近在咫尺。現在,就長話短說吧,先生。我是那條船的船長,我手下的人反叛了。

Yes , says friday , they mill eat them : no , no , says i , friday , i am afraid they mill murther them indeed , but you may be sure they will not eat them “是的, “星期五說, “他們一定會吃的。 “不會,不會, “我說, “星期五,我看他們會殺死他們,但決不會吃他們,這我敢擔保!