
murmur n.1.(浪、樹葉等的)沙沙聲,潺潺聲,淙淙聲;私語聲,...


“i don't like my children going and making themselves beholden to strange kin,“ murmured he . “俺不愿意叫俺的孩子跑到并不認識的本家門上,去沾人家的光。”他低聲說。

“you are my husband“ added she, in a low murmuring voice; “is it for me to gainsay you? “ “你是我的丈夫”她以一種喃喃的低語聲補充說道,“難道我能和你唱對臺戲嗎?”

“god bless you, dearest sister, for that brave and ready act,“ murmured judith . “我最新愛的妹妹,上帝將為了你這種及時勇敢的行為保佑你,”尤蒂絲輕輕地說。

The little girl dropped her aunt a clumsy curtsey, murmuring an inaudible greeting . 小姑娘向她的姑媽笨拙地行了一個禮,喃喃地說了幾句聽不見的問候話。

Kennedy murmured some incoherent words, and kept his eye fixed on dr. fergusson . 肯尼迪眼睛直勾勾地盯著弗格森博士,嘴里不知在嘟囔著什么。

He could hear the murmur of louise's voice inside: she was probably reading poetry . 他聽到房子里露易絲的喃喃低語聲,可能她正在讀一首詩。

At these words a murmur of amazement escaped from a thousand panting chests ! 聽到這兒,從成千個透不過氣來的胸膛里發出了一聲驚叫“啊!”

A stir of interest passed over the others accompanied by murmurs of disapproval . 其他的人引起一陣騷動,跟著發出了一些不滿的嘟噥聲。

In the absolute hush i could hear plainly its thin murmurs of life . 在萬籟俱寂中,我可以清清楚楚地聽出生命那細微的嗡嗡聲。

“dull…“ murmured miss bulstrode, struck by the fatal word . “單調…,”布爾斯特羅德小姐低聲說,這兩個可怕的字使她一怔。

“do you ever see anything so lovely?“ claire murmured with enchantment . “你看到過這樣的美景嗎?”克萊爾沉醉地喃喃低語。

“oh,“ she murmured as she saw the dilemma. “what have i done! “ 在看到這種窘境時她喃喃地說道:“哦,我這是做了什么呀!”

She murmured contemptuously when her flush had died away . 她臉上的紅暈退去的時候,她含著鄙夷之情,嘟嘟囔囔地說些什么。

Surprised by this unexpected friendliness, ashurst murmured . 對這沒有預料到的友好表示,艾舍斯特吃了一驚,他咕噥著說。

“we will be all butchered in this fog,“ murmured another . “碰上這樣的大霧,我們會全給宰掉的。”另一個人喃喃地說。

Hanging her head, the little girl said something in a low murmur . 那個小女孩垂著頭,用低微的聲音喃喃地說了些話。

Dorian murmured a graceful compliment and looked round the room . 道林低聲說了句得體的客套話,朝四周打量了一下。

A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond . 可以聽得見那邊屋子里有一陣低低的、激動的交談聲。

Winifred endured the agony with tears in her eyes, but no murmur . 維妮佛梨德含著眼淚,忍著痛,可是一聲不哼。