
murmansk n.莫曼斯克〔俄羅斯港市〕。


On 4 april 1942 , she was joining the british home fleet . the force got underway to engage in reconnaissance for the protection of the vital convoys running to murmansk 1942年4月4日,華盛頓號加入英國本土艦隊,與英國戰艦一起護送船隊,將戰爭物資送往摩爾曼斯克。

In murmansk , near the arctic circle in the former soviet union , a chld gives her age in reponse to the photographer ' s question 再前蘇聯北極圈附近的摩而曼斯克,一個女孩伸出四根手指,告訴攝影師她的年齡。

At present the only exit that the russians had was murmansk . 目前俄國人唯一的出海口就是摩爾曼斯克。