
murk n.,adj.〔古、詩〕黑暗(的),陰暗(的)。


Rain fell on lap 10 , as michael was following mika . on lap 11 , into the chicane , he sliced through and vanished into the murk , winning it by 13 . 8 seconds 第10圈時開始下雨,邁克爾跟在米卡后面。在第11圈時,發生了變化,他切線然后消失在黑暗之中,以13 . 8秒的領先優勢獲勝。

Luis marden , scuba diver wrests a jar perhaps a thousand years old from the murk of a cenote , or ceremonial well in the late 1950s 路易斯?馬登, 1950年代后期,帶水下呼吸器的潛水員費盡九牛二虎之力從黑暗的灰巖坑中挖出一個可能有1000年歷史的罐子。

The psychological thriller “ murk “ tells the story of jacob , who is investigating into the circumstances surrounding his sister ' s death on her wedding night 這是一部心理驚栗電影,講述積克調查妹妹在新婚夜死亡的故事。

However , good added the sleep , and also benefit to the hereafter the day to faint the murk study of ground 不過,很好的補充了睡眠,也有利于以后天昏地暗的學習。

In terror the poor girl flees away through the murk 可憐的姑娘摸著黑,逃之夭夭。

Longing for full knowledge, one must chart route through the murk of unknowing . 有時由于渴望取得全面了解,還必須在一片無知的混沌之中開出一條路子來。