
muon n.【原子能】= mu-meson.


Several important experiments to study neutrino oscillation in the beginning of the 21st century , such as long - base - line neurino oscillation , the idea to build a muon storage ring for producing a high energy electron neutrino beam to carry out neutrino oscillation experiment and to measure the cp violation in neutrino oscillation , are also introduced 本文還介紹了21世紀初研究中微子振蕩的若干重要實驗,例如長基線中微子振蕩實驗以及建造子貯存環來產生高能電子中微子束進行中微子振蕩的實驗以及測量中微子振蕩時的cp破壞的設想。

This paper analyzed the data obtained at mcmurdo and thule neutron monitor ( nm ) stations and at guangzhou muon monitor station during the cme event in march 1991 . the results show that in this event when the cme structure passed the earth , it was shifted to the earth ' s southern hemisphere and the strongest magnetic structure associated with the cme passing the earth at about 2000ut , march 24 . 1991 我們利用mcmurdo和thule兩個臺站的銀河宇宙線強度的觀測數據和廣州多方向介子探測器記錄的宇宙線強度的數據分析了1991年3月cme的特征,注意到cme是一定程度地偏向地球的南半球,并給出了cme中最強的磁場結構到達磁層的時間為1991年3月24日2000ut左右,這是過去沒有注意到的一個特征。

A nuclear dependence of the qt distributions , should also occur for high - mass pairs produced in nuclear drell - yan process . in 1987 , the na10 collaboration in cern present the first clear evidence for a nuclear dependence of the transverse momentum distribution of massive muon pairs produced in hadronic interactions 在高能強子反應中,末態強子的大橫動量分布具有明顯的核相關性,這種效應也應出現在高能核drell - yan過程的大質量輕子對產生過程中。

The neutrinos produced by the sun are the electron - neutrinos . scientists now generally believe that the electron - neutrinos , when on their way to the earth , undergo a process called neutrino oscillation during which they are transformed into the muon and the tau neutrinos 科學家現在普遍相信,中微子從太陽到地球的旅程中會發生一種轉變,稱為中微子轉變,即電子中微子可以轉變為渺子中微子和濤子中微子。

Archaeologists and nuclear physicists are working together to measure the passage of muons , subatomic particles from deep space , through the 2 , 000 - year - old pyramid of the sun to discover the mysteries of the pre - aztec teotihuacan civilisation 目前,考古學家和核物理學家們正在利用宇宙射線探測器的介子束在太陽金字塔底深處進行勘測,希望能解開這座金字塔的秘密以了解撲朔迷離的狄奧提瓦康古城。

This paper describes the beijing electron position collider ( bepc ) and the beijing spectrometer ( bes ) , describes the structure , capability and basis method of muon detector . the bes2 muon counter performance has been careful studied 本文對概述了bepc和bes的性能結構,講解了子計數器的結構、功能和z坐標定位的工作原理。

A better determination of z coordinate and a better resolution on z coordinate have been achieved . all these will help physics analysis that use muon counter information much 子計數器安裝在bes的最外層,用于子的探測和空間定位,并與其他探測器聯合作子鑒別。

A discovery that neutrinos , virtually massless particles , convert into other forms known as muon and tau before they leave the sun , solving a 40 - year - old mystery 發現中微子(幾乎是無質量的粒子)在離開太陽之前可轉化介子,解開了一個40年的謎。

They strike the gases of the earth ' s atmosphere at great speeds , creating showers of debris including streams of electron - like particles called muons 它們高速撞擊地球大氣層氣體,造成大量碎片,其中包括介子流(介子是一種類似電子的微粒) 。

The theory is that when a muon encounters a gas molecule , it can knock off an electron , leaving a positively charged ion in its wake 有理論認為:當一個子遇到一個氣體分子時,它會電離出一個電子,剩下的部分則形成一個正離子。

“ for the neutrino beam method and the demonstration of the doublet structure of the leptons through the discovery of the muon neutrino 產生第一個實驗室創造的中微子束,并發現中微子,從而證明了輕子的對偶結構

The theory is that when a muon encounters a gas molecule , it can knock off an electron , leaving a positively charged ion in its wake 實驗原理:當介子遇到氣體原子時,將失去一個電子,從而成為一個正離子。

Several experimental results on solar neutrino missing and on atmospheric muon neutrino missing are described 介紹太陽中微子丟失實驗的結果和大氣中微子丟失實驗結果。

There are actually three types of neutrino , the electron - neutrino the muon - neutrino and the tau - neutrino 原來中微子有三個種類:電子中微子渺子中微子和濤子中微子。

Ideally , they would use muons but , in practice , they are using a close cousin , the pion 子是粒子流的理想候選,但實際上他們用子? ?子的“同胞兄弟” ? ?做試驗。

Ideally , they would use muons but , in practice , they are using a close cousin , the pion 選用介子是最理想的,但在實驗中使用的是與之很相似的介子。

Electrons and muons 電子和介子

This scheme allows no room for the muon and the question arises of what to do with it . 此括號內沒有為子留下空位,于是問題隨之產生。