
mummer n.(滑稽)啞劇演員。


Firstly , this paper , by the mummers , put forwards the reason of the false valuation of intangible assets from five aspects : the way of valuation , the organization of valuation , the client of valuation , the guild of valuation and government . secondly , put forwards the opinion from avoiding the administration of government , more developing the organization of valuation , strengthening the research of theory and criteria , reforming the charge system , and making the report of valuation in strictness and norm . it can effectively prevent and avoid the false valuation of intangible assets , and accelerate exuberance and continuance development of the valuation of intangible assets 本文針對目前無形資產評估存在的失真現象,首先從評估方法、評估機構、評估客戶、評估行業和政府等五個方面系統和深入地分析無形資產評估失真產生的原因,接著從避免政府行政干涉、進一步發揮評估行業協會作用、加強評估理論和標準的研究、改革現有收費制度和嚴格按規范制作評估報告書等方面有針對性地提出失真解決辦法的建議,為有效預防和避免無形資產評估的失真,促進我國無形資產評估健康持續發展,有著非常重要的現實作用。

From every street and every corner drove carriages filled with clowns , harlequins , dominoes , mummers , pantomimists , transteverins , knights , and peasants , screaming , fighting , gesticulating , throwing eggs filled with flour , confetti , nosegays , attacking , with their sarcasms and their missiles , friends and foes , companions and strangers , indiscriminately , and no one took offence , or did anything but laugh 大家尖聲喊叫著,打打鬧鬧,裝腔作勢,滿天飛舞著裝滿了面粉的蛋殼,五顏六色的紙,花球,用他們的冷言冷語和種種可投擲的物品到處攻擊人,也不分是敵是友,是同伴是陌生人,誰都不動氣,大家都只是笑。

Pelagea danilovna , busily giving orders for clearing the room for the guests and preparing for their entertainment , walked about among the mummers in her spectacles , with a suppressed smile , looking close at them and not recognising any one 佩拉格婭丹尼洛夫娜吩咐給客人空出地方來,宴請主人和仆人,她沒有取下眼鏡,忍住笑,在那些化裝的人們中間來回地走著,湊近他們,諦視他們的面孔,一個人也不認識。

Nikolay , who wanted to drive them all in his sledge , as the road was in capital condition , proposed to drive to their so - called uncles , taking about a dozen of the house - serfs in their mummer - dress with them 尼古拉心里想用他的三架雪橇運載著他們所有的人在暢通的大道上游玩一下,他建議隨帶十名穿上化裝衣服的家仆去大叔那里走一趟。

The clowndimmlerand the old ladynikolayopened the dance . surrounded by the shrieking children , the mummers hid their faces , and disguising their voices , bowed to their hostess and dispersed about the room 那些被亂喊亂叫的兒童圍住的化裝的人,蒙著臉,改變了嗓子,在女主人面前鞠躬行禮,然后在房里叉開腿站著。

Mummers are also very family - oriented in their own way , although they are far more likely to adopt stray scoundrels and lost souls in their journeys than they are to have children of their own to teach 戲子一般也是以他們自己的方式家傳的,盡管他們更喜歡收養流離失所的街頭混混而不是自己生個孩子來教。

Natasha had not finished singing when fourteen - year - old petya ran in great excitement into the room to announce the arrival of the mummers . natasha stopped abruptly . idiot ! she screamed at her brother 娜塔莎還沒有唱完曲子,面露喜色的十四步的彼佳跑進房里來,通知大家,說有一些穿化裝衣服的人來了。

The young people had disappeared . half an hour later there appeared in the hall among the other mummers an old lady in a crinolinethis was nikolay 半小時后,還有一個穿著鯨須架式筒裙的老夫人在大廳的其他一些身穿化裝衣服的人中間出現了這是尼古拉。

The corked moustaches and eyebrows were wearing off the heated , perspiring , and merry faces . pelagea danilovna began to recognise the mummers 在那淌著熱汗的發紅的顯得愉快的臉上,軟木炭畫的胡子和眉毛都給弄得模模糊糊了。

In the counts sledge were dimmler with his wife and petya ; the other mummers were seated in the other two sledges 季姆勒偕同妻子和彼佳坐在老伯爵的雪橇上,化裝的仆役分別坐在其馀幾輛雪橇上。

Mournful mummer , buck mulligan moaned . synge has left off wearing black to be like nature “愁眉苦臉的戲子, ”勃克穆利根慨嘆道, “辛格為了活得更自然,不再穿喪服了。

Led by a father , the mummers travel from homestead to homestead or from village to village 表演者們由一位“牧師”引導,挨家挨戶、挨個村落表演。

The mummers bring a home blessing , encourage fertility , and frighten away any evil spirits 表演者給每家送去祝福、祈禱豐收、嚇走邪魔鬼怪。

The mummers from the counts ; i can see by the horses , answered voices “看看那些馬,我就曉得,這是化了裝的伯爵家里的人, ”

O , you peerless mummer 噢,你這個舉世無雙的滑稽演員

I have conceived a play for the mummers , he said solemnly “我為啞劇演員們構思了一出戲, ”他認真地說。

But a lovely mummer , he murmured to himself “然而是個可愛的啞劇演員, ”他自言自語著。

Kinch , the loveliest mummer of them all “金赤,所有的啞劇演員當中最可愛的一個。 ”

The mummers are costumed and in different masks 表演者身穿戲裝,戴著各式面具。