
multiversity n.(pl. -ties) 大型綜合性大學〔有很多學院,...


It is put forward that colleges of multiversities should be organized renewedly based on the subject troops and orient functions and cut organs ; the decision - ma king and command subsystems should be perfected ; colleges should be organized renewedly based on the subject troops the academic power should exert larger effect 其次,在管理體制的三個層面即組織結構、管理子系統和權力結構上闡明了優化調整管理體制的思路,提出按照學科類型重組校屬學院,轉變學院職能、精簡機構;完善院校決策指揮系統;學術權力在院校中應發揮更大作用。

In recent years , many multiversities are practising comprehensive education and recruiting and classifying students by big academic subjects 摘要近年來許多綜合性大學實行“通識教育” ,按照學科大類招生。

He has also trained in intuition and energy reading , as well as in star sapphire and psychic massage in the osho multiversity 他亦曾接受直覺及能量解讀,藍寶石之光及靈性按摩的訓練。他亦是

The southwest multiversity had created a miracle in the history of chinese education during the period of the war of anti - japan 摘要抗戰時期西南聯大的教育創造了中國教育史上的一個奇跡。

Investigation and analysis of knowledge , attitude , belief and behavior for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome prevention in a multiversity 綜合性大學預防艾滋病知信行的調查與分析

Press a regulation , the fundamental level in multiversity permits 按規定,在綜合大學的基礎階段是答應的。

On clark kerr ' s view of multiversity 克拉克183 ;克爾的巨型大學觀

He was trained in osho multiversity and asiact 靜心及靈性治療大學

Discussing on multiversity and multi - campus university 多元化巨型大學與多校園大學辨析