
multiparty adj.多黨的。


The topics covered in this course include interactive proofs , zero - knowledge proofs , zero - knowledge proofs of knowledge , non - interactive zero - knowledge proofs , secure protocols , two - party secure computation , multiparty secure computation , and chosen - ciphertext security 本課程所涵蓋的主題包含有互動式證明,零知識證明,知識的零知識證明,非互動式零知識證明,安全協定,雙方安全計算,多方安全計算與選擇密文安全性。

Information communication security , beijing , china , nov . 11 - 14 , 1997 , pp . 217 - 222 . 11 michels m , p horster . on the risk of discruption in several multiparty signature schemes 最后,我們指出chen等人提出的方案不能抵抗內部攻擊的一個根本原因是在實際應用中,不能保證所有簽名者操作的“同時” 。

During the year , taiwan for the first time carried out the direct , popular election of its president , thus completing its transition to a democratic , multiparty political system 因其國土面積、科技能力及現存的大量核子武器,俄羅斯仍為我國安全關切的重心。

While in communication , used with the 0 - 9 keys , it manages the call hold and multiparty functions 在通話過程中,使用它以及0 - 9數字鍵,可以管理呼叫保持和多方通話功能。

“ oh , yes , they want a multiparty system . how many years did he get “知道,他們想搞多黨制嘛。他判了幾年?

Increased need for multiparty collaboration 增加了對多方協作的需求

Indonesian multiparty system facing challenges 印尼多黨體制面臨的挑戰