
multipartite adj.多歧的;分為多部的;多方的,多國參加的。


Quantum entanglement shared by more than two particles or parties is the essential base for developing quantum communication networks . using the multipartite entanglement the novel telecloning , controlled dense coding , sharing secure quantum states and reduction of communication complexity can be realized 為了研究量子網絡,必需研究兩個以上子系統之間的糾纏,即多粒子或多組份糾纏,利用它可以實現遠程克隆( telecloning ) 、可控密集編碼、共享秘密量子態以及減小通訊復雜性( reductionofthecommunicationcomplexity )等。

During my phd study , our group completed the experimental and theoretical investigations on cv quantum dense coding , generation of multipartite entangled state of optical modes and controlled dense coding quantum communication . following five parts will be presented in this thesis : 1 我們利用連續光場的正交分量量子糾纏特性,進行了連續變量量子密集編碼,多組份糾纏態光場產生,受控密集編碼量子通訊等實驗與理論研究,主要內容如下: 1

In this paper , we extend the theorem of song to multipartite tournaments and prove that every 2 - connected and 2 - equilibrium multipartite tournament contains a pair of componentwise complementary cycles , unless it is isomorphic to t71 ( see figure in ? ) 本文將競賽圖的結果推廣到均勻多部競賽圖上,并證明了2 -強連通2 -均勻多部競賽圖包含一對分量共軛圈,除非它同構于競賽圖t _ 7 ~ 1 (參看圖1 ) 。

This dissertation derives the transformation rule between schmidt decomposable multipartite entangled pure states ( schmidt state ) under locc , which is the same as the rule for the bipartite entangled pure - state transformation under locc 得出了schmidt可分解的多體糾纏純態(簡稱為schmidt態)的轉換規律,發現這種轉換規律與兩體糾纏純態的轉換規律相同。

The two theorems above give a complete solution of the problem of complementary cycles in tournaments . however , for multipartite tournaments which are not tournaments , the problem of complementary cycles is still open 以上兩個定理已經完全解決了競賽圖的共軛圈問題,而多部競賽圖的共軛圈問題尚未解決。

Vertex pancyclicity in almost regular multipartite tournaments 幾乎正則多部競賽圖的點泛圈性