
multiparous adj.1.一產多胎的。2.經產的。3.【植物;植物學】...


A single - factor experiment was designed to research the effect of nutrition level on body weight of multiparous sows during gestation through investigating the effect of gestation nutrition on the reproduction performance of multiparous sows in subsequent 3 parities and based on regression analysis of feed intake as well as lactation weight loss and reproduction performance during gestation 摘要采用單因子試驗設計,通過對妊娠期不同營養水平連續3胎經產母豬生產的研究,建立妊娠期采食量與泌乳損失及繁殖性能等之間關系的回歸方程,研究妊娠期不同營養水平對經產母豬體重變化的影響。

Effect of nutrition level on body weight of multiparous sows during gestation 妊娠期不同營養水平對經產母豬體重變化的影響

Ultrasonography of fetal anomaly with multiparous pregnancy 異常多胎妊娠的超聲診斷探討