
multimillionaire n.億萬富翁,大富豪。


The title refers to the author ' s own highly educated father , the “ poor dad “ who always had to work hard to meet the family ' s needs ; and the “ rich dad “ , a neighbor who had dropped out of high school but whose financial acumen turned him into a multimillionaire 書名中的“窮爸爸”是指他受過高等教育的父親,他為了滿足家庭的需求而努力工作; “富爸爸”則是指一位高中就輟學的鄰居,但其敏銳的理財眼光卻使他成為大富豪。

A cut in the amount of money to spend on players and reports of a rift with manager jose mourinho h * * e fuelled speculation in the media that the multimillionaire russian has fallen out of love with the club he bought in 2003 削減收購球員開支和與主教練何塞穆里尼奧決裂的謠言,令媒體抓住機會來炒作傳聞,指這位家財萬貫的俄羅斯人對這間他在2003年買下的俱樂部已經熱情不再。

A cut in the amount of money to spend on players and reports of a rift with manager jose mourinho have fuelled speculation in the media that the multimillionaire russian has fallen out of love with the club he bought in 2003 削減收購球員開支和與主教練何塞穆里尼奧決裂的謠言,令媒體抓住機會來炒作傳聞,指這位家財萬貫的俄羅斯人對這間他在2003年買下的俱樂部已經熱情不再。

George was a multimillionaire who amassed his fortune through partnerships in three of the ever largest mining discoveries of copper , silver , and gold ores 喬治是一個千萬富翁,他通過合伙參與三個曾經是最大的銅礦、銀礦和金礦的發現和開采,積聚起大量財富。

Larry ellison is a prime choice for such lampooning because this thrice - married , thrice - divorced multimillionaire is known for living larger than life 拉里?埃里森寫那么一篇諷刺性的文章的初衷是因為他生活無羈,且是一個三次結婚三次離婚的億萬富翁。

Her father was a multimillionaire who gave up business and government service to buy the ailing washington post in 1933 她的父親是一位大富豪,他放棄了工作和政府部門的職位,在1933年買下了境況不佳的《華盛頓郵報》 。

Meanwhile , a dedicated young detective named ji - hyung responds to an alarm and dashes to the house of a multimillionaire named mr . kim 三子對面前一筆巨額美金感到手足無措,大家爭持不下的同時,尸體卻消失了。

The wpp group , a public - relations giant , turned him into a multimillionaire when it bought his consulting firm in 2001 2001年,大型公關公司wpp集團收購了他經營的咨詢公司,這使他成為千萬富翁。

The antagonism between multimillionaire zong and danone seems as much about culture as about modern business 宗慶后和達能之間的對抗似乎不僅僅是現代商業的對抗,同時也是民族之間的對抗。

While you were away , we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire 你走了以后,我們查了你一下發現你是個百萬富翁。