
multilateral adj.多邊的。 a multilateral trea...

multiline production

Multilateral exchange rate model 多邊匯率模式

Multilateral framework for investment vs . china ' s strategies for economic development 多邊投資框架與我國經濟戰略

The second is the outcome of the doha round of multilateral trade talks 第二就是多哈回合的多邊貿易談判的結果。

Multilateral financial institution 多邊金融機構

However , the multilateral diplomacy that this forum offered never worked 然而,該會談的多國外交政策從未奏效。

Multilateral security mechanism building in northeast asia - study of the six - party talks 以朝核問題六方會談為例

Multilateral international agreement 多邊國際協議

Multilateral environmental agreement 多邊環境協議

Bilateral , unilateral , multilateral 雙邊,單邊,多邊

Merm multilateral exchange rate model 多邊匯率模型

However , the multilateral diplomacy that this forum offered never worked 然而該論壇提供的多邊外交從未生效。

Global system of multilateral trade 全球多邊貿易體系

Geneva conference : an initial attempt of new china at the multilateral diplomacy 新中國多邊外交的初步嘗試

On multilateral trade system and developing international service trade 多邊貿易體系與國際服務貿易的發展

Competitive policy and multilateral coordination in international trade 國際貿易中的競爭政策及其多邊協調

Multilateral and regional cooperation on intellectual property protection 保護知識產權的多邊和區域合作

Energy security in northeast asia and multilateral energy cooperation 東北亞能源安全形勢與多邊能源合作

Multilateral agency debt instrument 多邊代理機構債務票據

Multilateral investment guarantee agency 多邊投資擔保機構