
multiformity n.多形性,多樣性 (opp. uniformity)。


Besides the common characters of exploring teaching , such as the scientificalness , processiveness , applicableness , participantness , openingness , multiformity , creativeness and so on , the high school history exploring teaching still has itself characters . these characters are the following 3 unifications : the first unification lies in the exploring intention . the seek truth and practicality are unified 中學歷史探究教學除具有探究教學的科學性、過程性、應用性、參與性、主體性、開放性、多樣性和創造性等共同特點外,還具有獨特的學科特點,具體表現為三個方面的統一:在探究目的上求真與致用的統一,在探究內容上廣泛性與選擇性的統一,在探究方法上邏輯推理與具體體驗的統一。

This article canvass the status quo of the archive ' s automatization administration and the develop status of data mining , and discusses how to combine the data mining technology with the archive work from data cleaning means , data mining arithmetic , and data storage etc . and this article put forword a data mining syst em design idea . this article ' s structure is : first , in allusion to the archive data status quo , the pretreatment work of archive data that include data quality evaluation , data cleaning and data commut - ation process is bringed forword ; second , in the process of realizating data mining , the article discusses conception description , association rule , class three familiar means of applicating data mining , also put inforword the concrete arithmetic and the program design chart , and discusses the range and the foreground of all kinds of arithmetic when they are applicated in the archive ; third , the base of so you say , this article also discusses the importance of the archice applicate data storage and the means of realizing it ; last , the article discusses seval important problem of realizing an archive data mining system from data , diversity , arithmetic multiformity , mining result variety and the data pretreatment visibility , mining object descriptive visibility , mining process visibility , mining result visibil ity , user demand description and problem defining etc aspect . the article ' s core is how to import data mining technology in the archive work 本文評述了檔案自動化管理現狀和數據挖掘技術的發展狀況,從數據清洗方法、數據挖掘算法、數據倉庫的建立等方面論述了如何將數據挖掘技術與檔案工作相結合的具體思路,并提出了一個數據挖掘系統的設計思想。文章首先,針對檔案數據的現狀,提出了應對檔案數據進行預處理工作,包括數據質量評估、數據清理、數據變換和歸約等過程;其次,在具體實現數據挖掘過程中,本文結合檔案數據的特點探討了概念描述、關聯規則、分類等三種常見挖掘形式的實現方法,提出了具體的實現算法和程序設計框圖,并論述了各種算法在檔案工作中的應用范圍及前景;第三,在上述基礎上,又論述數據倉庫在檔案數據挖掘中的重要性并提出了實現一個檔案數據倉庫的方法;最后,從處理數據的多樣性、算法的多樣性、挖掘結果的多樣性、數據預處理可視化、挖掘對象描述的可視化、挖掘過程可視化、結果顯示可視化、用戶需求的描述及問題定義等幾方面討論了實現一個檔案數據挖掘系統的幾個重點問題。全文以探討如何將數據挖掘技術引入到具體的檔案工作實踐中為核心。

Tianjin binhai new area becomes a part of the national development distribution will promote the improvement in following aspects such as internationalization of urban functions , multiformity of tourism services and the virescence of its environmental style and features , accordingly the sustainable tourism development of tianjin binhai new area ( tbna ) will he becoming a important project of promoting its development and opening policy 摘要天津濱海新區開發上升為國家級發展戰略,對城市功能的國際化、服務職能的多元化以及城市環境風貌的生態化提出了更高的要求,從而使濱海新區都市旅游及其可持續發展研究成為推動其進一步開發開放的一個重要的課題。

The collection of hui zhou judicial documents spreads around , the methods of its preservation are various , and the sources of its historical data are broad , comparing with judicial documents in local files , it has some features such as continuity , multiformity , non - government , typicality , reality , richness and so on 摘要徽州訴訟文書收藏分散、保存形式多樣、史料來源廣泛,與其他地方檔案中的訴訟文書相比,具有連續性、多樣性、民間性、典型性、真實性、豐富性等顯著特點。

In this paper , it points out the jural relation of digital library ' s copyright has characteristics of multiformity of main body , continuous appearance of new relations and object kinds “ increase . digital constructions and network information service are urgent to establish new benefit balance system 作為建設中的超大規模資源庫群,它面臨文獻資源數字化過程和信息服務中的版權問題,以及信息資源數據庫的版權保護問題,然而這方面的研究仍處于起步階段,還有許多問題需要在深入探討的基礎上取得共識。

Nowadays , with the development of quality education and multiformity of course reform , it is foothold as well as the intension of this thesis to promote teachers of chinese to have a good command of the connotation of cccnyce , change roles and improve qualities in accordance with the requirements of cccnyce 在大力發展素質教育的今天,在課程改革日趨多元化的今天,促使廣大語文教師把握好課程標準的內涵,進而根據新課程改革的要求,轉換角色,提高素質,是實施素質教育的立足點,也是本文立意所在。

Finally , it explores the guiding principles and practical procedures for the build . it maintains that the construction should follow the principles of integrity , originality , multiformity and so on . it holds that a good comprehension of the cruces of subject building is indispensable and a number of efficient , systematic steps with distinct features should be taken 我們認為,合并后建設高校組織文化,應該遵循整體性、創新性、互補性、發展性和多樣性的原則,需要抓住學科建構的要點,確定系統高效的步驟,采取彰顯特色的措施,如提高領導認識,研制總體方案;培養學校精神,建立共同愿景;創設并維護學校價值觀,確立行為標準;完善規章制度,注重環境建設;加強組織修煉,搞好組織學習等等。

We analyze the meaning of the commercial spaces corresponding to the standpoint of adaptability . the meaning of open - quality is that opening to the city and to the covert living spaces ; the meaning of multiformity is that adapting to all kinds of demands of each user and demands of all users ; the meaning of dynamic - quality is that space is changed corresponding to the user and time 運用適應性觀點,相應地分析了商業空間的適應性內涵:開放性? ?向城市逐層次開放,向人的更隱蔽的生活空間開放;多樣性? ?適應不同的使用者以及使用者的不同需求;動態性? ?空間的適應性因使用者及時間的變化而發生變化。

In this thesis , we enter on context - teaching , from psychology theory , constructivism study theory , modern teaching theory and teaching communication theory explain the theoretical foundations of context - creating , discuss the five principles of context - creating : student - centered ; authenticity ; in whole ; multiformity and attraction . and after analysing the subject characteristics of physics and learners of it , carry on the discussion to the necessity , feasibility and 3 breakthrough points which are physics content , physics environment and physics emotion about context - creating in physics teaching 本文從情境教學入手,從心理學理論、建構主義學習理論、現代教學理論和教育傳播理論上闡述了情境創設的理論依據,論述了情境創設的以學生為中心、合乎真實性、整體性、多樣性和吸引力五個原則,并在分析物理學科特點和物理學習者特點的基礎上探討了物理教學情境創設的必要性、可行性和物理內容、物理環境、物理情感三個切入點。

The governmental responsibility has always been debating in the public administration field , with the development of the new public service theory , the governmental responsibility is reinterpreted , and the multiformity of social structure leads to the diversity and complexity of the governmental responsibility 摘要政府責任一直是公共行政領域中探討的問題,新公共服務理論的興起,政府責任重新得到詮釋,社會結構的多元化引導了政府責任的多樣性和復雜性。

Multiformity and multivariant culture ? culture formulation include : objective aspect ? such as , special feature building , politic , road ; subjective aspect ? similar role , communication mode , passion style , as well as individualism , collectivism , spirit chase and religion faith 多樣性和多元文化能力?文化的構成包括:客觀方面?如特色建筑、政府、道路等;主觀方面?如相似的角色、溝通模式、情感風格,以及個人主義、集體主義、精神追求和宗教信仰等價值觀。

Abstract : adopting the documentary and referential analysis metho d , author analyzes the psychological state of health of college students and po ints out that the multiformity in physical education teaching is the effective a pproach to improve the psychological quality of college students 文摘:采用文獻、資料分析法,剖析了目前大學生的心理健康狀況,指出了體育教學的多重性是完善當代大學生心理素質的有效途徑。

Adopting the documentary and referential analysis metho d , author analyzes the psychological state of health of college students and po ints out that the multiformity in physical education teaching is the effective a pproach to improve the psychological quality of college students 采用文獻、資料分析法,剖析了目前大學生的心理健康狀況,指出了體育教學的多重性是完善當代大學生心理素質的有效途徑。

The rapid development of the technology and market environment makes the enterprises to run more agilely and efficiently , to fit the market requirement of small batch , individuation and multiformity 科學技術和市場環境日新月異的發展變化,要求企業必須以一種更為敏捷和高效的方式來滿足高科技產品市場的小批量、個性化和多元化發展的需要。

As the principal part of the earth land ecosystem , forest , especially the natural forest is most significant in keeping the ecological balance and the maintenance of the biology multiformity 森林資源特別是天然林資源,是地球陸地生態系統的主體,對于維護生物多樣性和生態環境的穩定具有重要意義。

The characters of today ' s commercial spaces are summed up which are the complex of all kinds of functions , the multiformity of forms , and the selected state of styles , dissociation 并總結現代商業空間的表現特征:功能的復合化,形式的多樣性以及風格的“選擇”狀態? ?游移。

It is a trouble to build cpr all alone because of the complexity and multiformity of cpr and lacking of domine standard and law supportion 由于電子病歷本身包含信息的復雜性、多樣性,而且缺乏相關的領域標準和法規支持,電子病歷的構建一直是困擾系統開發的一個問題。

Dry - mortar encounters large market and development interspace , due to many advantages of agility , multiformity , preservation , and adjustability 由于干拌砂漿具有靈活性、多樣性、可儲存、適應性強等優勢,可滿足不同工程用戶需要,在我國具有廣闊的發展前景。

The study of adaptability indicated that the multiformity is the adaptability result of the bodies of cas each other , and is growing dynamically 適應性研究表明:多樣性是適應性主體在開放系統下適應的結果,并且它是呈動態發展的。