
multifold adj.1.雙倍的或成幾倍的。2.許多的;種種的,多樣的...


For rambling manner , multifold optimal strategies are studied : the fundamental principle of occlusion culling is to reduce the i / o data amount on the basis of view frustum culling by taking the keep - out relation of spatial objects into account . by constructing presentations with different detail levels for spatial objects in every sub scene , simplification of lod increases the efficiency of data i / o at the expense of visualizing precision measurably . by utilizing the superiority of multitask operating system , the multithreading synchronous mechanism can help to implement the dat a i / o and scene visualization in different threads 這套處理方法已經嵌入到我們自主開發的三維地理信息系統平臺軟件sei3d系統之中,作為“大連市空間數據資源中心, ,及“大連理工大學空間技術研究中心, ’面向“數字大連, ,戰略開展三維gis研究的一項重要成果,其主要思想在“灤河中下游流域三維場景演示系統”項目中己經得到了應用與檢驗,最終結果達到了用戶的開發要求。

With the established rf front - end system simulation platform , adding the digital modulated baseband signal , this paper simulated the multifold digital modulated signal ’ s transmission , such as 2ask , qpsk , and 16qam . then researches of power compression and phase noise of local oscillation influence the bit error ratio for different modulated system . the designing is satisfied multifold functions request with the high - powered and integrated broadband rf front - end 隨后在建立的寬帶射頻前端通用仿真平臺上,加入基帶數字調制信號,對多種數字調制格式的信號在該通用平臺上的傳輸作了研究,模擬了2ask 、 qpsk和16qam等調制格式信號的發射與接收,研究了功率壓縮和本振相位噪聲對不同調制的誤碼率影響,實現了滿足多種功能要求的寬帶高性能綜合射頻前端的設計。

Multifold ultrasonic therapeutic techniques are put into use in clinic , such as common ultrasonic physical therapy , medicament permeated therapy , ultrasonic sound - electrotherapy and ultrasonic surgery , etc . these therapies “ occurrence and progress make ultrasonic therapy hold an important position in medical therapeutic technology 如一般超聲理療法,超聲藥物透入療法,超聲?電療法,及超聲外科等,這些療法的出現與發展使超聲治療在當代醫療技術中占了重要的地位。

Multifold technologies are applied in the system , such as digital communication , cnc , real - time monitor , fuzzy control , so the system is more accurate , reliable , flexible , and with a degree of intelligence . the system achieves the design request , and satisfactory effect is obtained in actual production . liuxin ( control theory and control engineering ) directed by nie erlai 本系統采用了總線通訊、實時監控、模糊控制等多種技術,使系統精確、可靠、柔性好、操作簡便并具有了一定的智能化,達到了設計要求,取得了滿意的應用效果。

The nodes of control stage are complemented by plc , except the node of control center by pc . nodes are connected to can bus through the adapter of intelligent network , resulting in timely , exact and reliable transfer of multifold main architecture network data 該系統分為控制級和設備級兩層,控制級節點中,除調度中心節點使用pc機外,其余節點都由可編程序控制器( plc )完成。節點通過智能網絡適配器連接到can總線上,從而實現了多主結構網絡數據的及時、準確、可靠傳遞。

It has been proved that this kind of tank is applicable of multifold boats , which not only reduces the roll angle and the heel angle , but also improves the efficient and fall the transport cost . the controlled passively anti - rolling tank can elevate the comfort and safe of the boats 實踐表明,該水艙適用于多種類型船舶,不僅能減小船舶在波浪中的橫搖和抵抗靜傾角,還可以提高裝卸效率,減少運輸成本,為改善船舶的舒適性和安全性開辟了有效途徑。

During the past ten years , many kinds of synthesized acoustic detection methods have been the effective measures for detecting grouting effect , but it is not easy to decide whether the separate detecting result estimation about multifold methods meets the requirements of design standards or not 近十年來,多種方法的綜合聲波測試已成為灌漿效果檢測的有效手段之一,但對多種方法檢測結果分別評判是否達到設計標準難下定論。

There are 18 offices and 4 after - sale service centers all over china , bosch rexroth ( shenzhen ) is cultivating multifold of resources , improving technology and broadening applying filed , which will bring higher quality and service for customer all over the world 博世力士樂深圳公司將進一步整合各方面資源,提高產品的技術含量,拓展產品應用領域,為廣大中外用戶提供更高品質的產品和服務。

Aiming at the impact of wto to hae , also this paper provided several countermeasures of improving the standard of talent - training , actualizing innovation education , stabilizing the troop of teachers , founding multifold investment system of hae 文章還針對wto的沖擊,提出了要提升人才培養規格、實施創新教育、穩定教師隊伍、建立高等農業教育的多元投資體制等若干對策。

For antibiotic fermentation process , some functions such as multifold display of process parameter , soft - sensing of process parameter and monitoring performance of fermentation process , are performed in this software 針對抗生素發酵過程,軟件主要實現對參數的多種方式顯示、參數的軟測量和發酵過程性能監控的功能,其最終目的是對發酵過程進行優化操作與控制。

The great improvement and rearrangement of productivity , precursed by technology progress and linked by market economy , has bred multifold fundamental innovations in urban planning and construction in china 以科學技術為先導,以市場經濟為紐帶的生產力極大進步和重新布局,導致了我國城市規劃建設在眾多方面均發生了根本性的變化。

The research and design of this subject synthesizes multifold technologies , which arc digital communication , network , oop ( object oriented programming ) , and dbm ( data base management ) 本課題的研究與設計綜合了數據通信、網絡技術、面向對象編程和數據庫管理等技術。

“ the advantages of being part of an integrated global financial services firm are multifold in the way we operate and serve our wealthy clients , ” he says 他表示: “成為一個綜合性全球金融服務公司的一部分,為我們的業務運作、為我們向富裕客戶提供服務帶來了多重優勢。 ”

Using the fuzzy mathematic method , the fuzzy information of earthquake preparation shown by the seismicity multifold indexes was transformed into the clear results of earthquake prediction 應用這些方法可以將多項指標所顯示的孕震的模糊信息轉化為清晰的地震預測結果。

W e are not only this physical being , but we are a multifold being . we are great , great , greater than we could imagine ourselves to be 們并非只是這個肉身,而具有多重層面我們的偉大程度遠超過自己所能想像。

In order to operate easily and expediently , multifold display of process parameters are studied . 2 從方便并且有利于操作的角度出發,討論了對參數進行顯示的多種方法。

A study on the strategy of conforming and developing multifold tourism resources in one region 區域多種旅游資源整合開發戰略研究

On the multifold features of justice from hume ' s theory of justice 從休謨的正義理論看正義的多重特征