
multicolored adj.多色的。


Another is a condition called heterochromia , or multicolored eyes , which affects about 1 percent of the population and is often caused by traumatic injuries . an example of this can be seen in the rock star david bowie , who attributes his contrasting eye colors , hazel and light blue , to a blow to the face as a child 其次,是由外傷引起的彩色眼又名雙眼異色癥,主要表現為雙眼顏色出現差異,如英國著名的搖滾樂手大衛鮑伊,他的一只眼睛為淺藍色,而另一只為棕色。

Through the great effort of the retreat working staff , the lecture stage of the meditation hall included a beautiful , multicolored replica of the thai royal palace bearing the inscription “ 2000 - greeting the golden age “ . also , many banners with logos consisting of a heart and year 2000 pattern were hung throughout the hall 打坐大殿就設在一座巨型的體育館內,經過工作人員的巧思布置,講經臺上有一座迷你多彩的泰皇宮,并飾有迎向千禧黃金時代的字樣,大殿四周掛著許多綴有心形和2000字樣的圖案。

The glass is elaborated into glass decorations of diverse shapes , individuality , abstraction and more practicality and multifarious and multicolored tridimensional visual elaborations ? the arts and crafts products of jinlong brand with the glass nature of glittering and crystal - clear , by full use of its diversified natural voluptuous colors “金龍牌”工藝玻璃產品,利用玻璃獨具晶瑩剔透的特性,充分采用大自然艷麗悅目的多元化色彩,經過生產工藝處理,可將玻璃加工成形態各異、個性化、抽象化、實用性較強,精彩斑斕、五光十色渾厚的立體視覺產品。

Alone the jade part vulture makes sympathetic this money work , black for lofty one high mountain , clever vulture one opens the full overgrown multicolored vine above , flower size coincides homogeneously , the carver is fine and smooth consummate , similar to one kind piling on really are very vivid 欣賞此款作品,黑色獨玉部分雕制為一座巍巍高山,上面巧雕一個開滿花的老藤,一朵朵花兒大小均勻一致,雕工細膩精湛,如同真的堆起來的一樣十分逼真。

“ as long as you wear your safety goggles , you re good . “ milton , 26 , of eugene , ore . , watched as four bodybuilders rolled the multicolored , rubbery mass 5 1 2 feet high and 19 feet around onto a giant scale in downtown chicago for the official weigh - in 26歲的俄勒網州尤金小伙兒milton看著四個大力士將高5 1 2英尺周長19英尺的彩色橡膠團推上位于芝加哥的巨型天平,進行官方稱重。

People always decorate and exaggerate with series folk custom and multicolored fireworks to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the chinese lunar new year , longer for abundant grain harvest , and celebrate joyfully for the peaceful country and contented people 辭舊迎新,企盼五谷豐登、歡慶國泰民安,都要用一系列民俗要素和它多彩多姿的煙花表現形式加以裝點和渲染。

The reed flute cave , with another beautiful name as ? the art palace of nature , ? features fantastic natural stalactite and stalagmite formations , artfully illuminated by multicolored lights . another magnificent view you will not miss is elephant trunk hill 今日全天游覽大自然藝術宮殿-蘆笛巖,伏波山,桂林的象征-象鼻山,七星公園駱駝山,奇石館,熊貓館。

The reed flute cave , with another beautiful name as the art palace of nature , features fantastic natural stalactite and stalagmite formations , artfully illuminated by multicolored lights . another magnificent view you will not miss is elephant trunk hill 抵達后游覽大自然藝術宮殿-蘆笛巖,伏波山,桂林的象征-象鼻山,七星公園駱駝山,奇石館,熊貓館。

The opening day of the exhibition fell on a sunday , and fellow practitioners arrived early to decorate the park beautifully . outside the art gallery , bouquets and wreaths of multicolored flowers sent by admirers lined the path leading to its entrance 開幕當天適為星期日,一早同修們便將公園布置得美輪美奐,美術館外各界送來的花圈更是令人目不暇給。

Our factory is a professional manufactory , produces all kinds of rain flower stones , multicolored stones , pebbles and quartz sand for near 20 years , and our production is extend all over the world 我廠是雨花石、石英砂專業生產廠家,已有近二十年歷史,主要生產各種規格的雨花石、五彩石產品和禮品以及多種規格鵝卵石濾料和石英砂,深受國內外用戶青睞。

Our factory is a professional manufactory , produces all kinds of rain flower stones , multicolored stones , pebbles and quartz sand for near 20 years , and our production is extend all over the world 我廠是雨花石專業生產廠家,已有近二十年歷史,主要生產各種規格的雨花石、五彩石產品和禮品以及多種規格鵝卵石濾料和石英砂,深受國內外用戶青睞。

The wonderful stones in yangtse gorges are often classified : multicolored stone , ancient living creature fossil , resemble stone , rain drop stone , , life mountain stone , veins stone , document stone , fish tank stone , the foot health care stone 三峽奇石分類:五彩石、古生物化石、象形石、雨花石、壽山石、紋理石、文案石、魚缸石、足療保健石。

Our company ' s multicolored , colorful spherical bulb adopted the most advanced asic to control the color changes , seven color cycle changes , looks like a dream , suitable for landscaping , lighting environment 本公司生產的五彩、七彩球形燈泡,采用最先進的專用芯片控制色彩變幻,七彩色循環變化,色彩絢麗,如夢如幻,適用于美化、亮化環境。

Inside shizhu , outside paint gold , combine to press to printout the peacock feather and inset up the multicolored azure stone pattern , seem to be sumptuous , is a tools and implements that offers sacrifices to in buddhist temple 內施朱外漆金并壓印出孔雀羽紋飾和?嵌上五彩的琉璃圖案,顯得富麗堂皇,是佛寺里祭祀的用具。

Milton , 26 , of eugene , ore . , watched as four bodybuilders rolled the multicolored , rubbery mass 5 1 2 feet high and 19 feet around onto a giant scale in downtown chicago for the official weigh - in 26歲的俄勒網州尤金小伙兒milton看著四個大力士將高5 1 2英尺周長19英尺的彩色橡膠團推上位于芝加哥的巨型天平,進行官方稱重。

Production : hulan , network security , light boxes , billboards , banners , multicolored silk banner ( flag , except the flag ) ; tieyi processing ; manufacture metal structures ; home decoration and design 制作:護攔,護網,燈箱,廣告牌,條幅,錦旗(黨旗、國旗除外) ;鐵藝加工;制造金屬結構;家居裝飾及設計。

Resplendent and multicolored in the sea , thousand 姿 s 100 tropical coral reef fish and various corals , sea anemones of the 態 s etc . marine life , is a sightseeing lovely view that dives the tour 海中五光十色、千姿百態的熱帶珊瑚礁魚和各種珊瑚、海葵等海洋生物,是潛水旅游的觀光美景。

Paper tree efflorescence : two slips hand over to stand mutually , sprinkling some water for it , will open a beautiful flower after a while , be like an a multicolored small ice frostwork 紙樹開花:兩個紙片相交站立,給它澆點水,過一會兒就會開出漂亮的花,像一個個五彩的小冰霜花

With no other ornaments or colors , she just stands on the fresh flowers silently and still , and all of a sudden , the multicolored flowers on the ground seemed blank 沒有別的裝飾,也沒有別的顏色,她就這樣靜靜的站在眾鮮花上,地上五彩繽紛的花朵竟似已忽然失去了顏色。