
multicellular adj.【生物學】多細胞的;多室的。


Enzymes are either intracellular , catalyzing reactions within the cell such as those involved in the metabolic , regulatory , signaling , or synthesis pathways ; or extracellular , circulating in the spaces between cells or in the bloodstream , where they catalyze reactions critical to the functioning of a multicellular organism 酶可以是細胞內的,催化細胞內的反應如:新陳代謝、調節、信號傳導或合成過程;或細胞外的,在細胞間或血液里循環,并在那里催化對于多細胞生物的功能具有重要作用的反應。

As we presented in the paper , with the evolution procedure accomplished of neurons from the single - celled organisms and multicellular animals that lack nervous system , the evolution course of nervous system could be summarized briefly as : chaos phase , equally nerve net , centrilized network phase and bilateral symmetry , hierarchical organization and cephalization phase 研究表明,從原始的單細胞有機體類似神經動作電位的協調功能逐步進化成神經元開始,神經系統大致經歷了混沌階段、平權網絡階段、中心化網絡階段和雙側對稱的層次體系結構等進化階段。

Streptomyces are mycelial multicellular soil actinomycetes in which adverse environmental conditions induce a developmental program involving complex morphological differentiation coordinated with synthesis of an enormous variety of interesting and useful secondary metabolites 鏈霉菌是絲狀多細胞土壤放線菌,土壤逆環境誘導鏈霉菌具有復雜形態分化生命周期,獲得合成大量有用次生代謝物能力。

Researchers have also long assumed that proteins similarly represent and control all the genetic information in animals , plants and fungi ? the multicellular organisms classified as eukaryotes ( having cells that contain nuclei ) 長久以來,研究者假設:分類上屬于真核生物(細胞都具有細胞核)的多細胞生物,包括動物、植物和真菌,也是利用蛋白質來控制所有的遺傳訊息。

Cladophorales an order of chlorophyta ( green algae ) , generally called siphonaceous algae . they are multicellular saclike forms or branched filaments with branching rhizoidike holdfasts , e . g . cladophora 剛毛藻目:綠藻門中的一目,稱為虹吸管狀的藻類。它們是多細胞囊泡狀的或分枝的絲狀體,用分枝狀的假根固著。例如剛毛藻屬。

Life ' s long journey from single - celled organisms to multicellular plants and animals may have depended upon the increasing presence of oxygen in the atmosphere , a new study suggests 一項新的研究表明,地球生物從單細胞的有機體一直發展到多細胞的植物和動物這樣一個漫長的旅途很有可能依賴于大氣中氧含量的增加。

The membrane surrounding a single - celled animal or plant or any individual cell in a multicellular organism is important in the respiratory and nutritionally processes of that cell 參考譯文:最初在1852年被采用,回旋議是由一個旋轉裝置,通常以輪子的形式,展現出強的角動量。

Introduction the embryonic phase is very important for the development of multicellular organisms . at that time embryos are affected by various harmful environment easily 目的胚胎時期是多細胞生物個體發育過程中的一個重要階段,這一時期的胚胎易受外界不利環境因素的影響。

The term is used in preference to unicellular to distinguish such structures ( which are often multinu - cleate ) from conventional cells and show their equivalence to multicellular structures 這個詞被優先用于單細胞,用來區別多核結構以及傳統的細胞,顯示其與多核結構的等價性。

This course discusses the principles of genetics with application to the study of biological function at the level of molecules , cells , and multicellular organisms , including humans 本課程討論了在分子、細胞、多細胞生物層面以及包括人類在內的生物功能的遺傳學原理與應用。

This course discusses the principles of genetics with application to the study of biological function at the level of molecules , cells , and multicellular organisms , including humans 本課程討論了在分子、細胞、多細胞生物水平以及包括人類在內的生物功能的遺傳學原理與應用。

The development of a multicellular organism results from the selective expression of genes and the maturation of proteins is dependent on molecular chaperons 多細胞生物體發育的實質是基因的選擇表達性,表達蛋白的成熟則有賴于分子伴侶的協助。

The principles of genetics with application to the study of biological function at the level of molecules , cells , and multicellular organisms , including humans 教導遺傳學原理,并應用在學習分子、細胞、多細胞生物包括人類各層級生物上的功能。

It may be unicellular , as in simple algae and fungi , or multicellular , as in plants 可以是單細胞,如在原始的藻類、真菌中;或者為多細胞,如在植物中。

Apoptosis plays an important role in survival of multicellular organism 摘要細胞凋亡在保證多細胞生物的健康生存過程中扮演著關鍵的角色。

What genetic change allowed multicellular animals to come into existence remains obscure 什么樣的遺傳突變產生了多細胞的動物還不清楚。

Multicellular aquatic animal 多細胞水生動物

We cannot be certain that gonium, pandonina, eudonna, and pleodorina represent stages in the evolution of multicellular volvox from unicellular chlamydomonas . 我們不能肯定盤藻、實球藻、空球藻和雜球藻代表從單細胞衣藻到多細胞因藻的各進化階段。