
multiangular adj.= multangular.


From the theory , we sum up the defensible measure of problem of security in urban resident environment , and may guide virtual planning design of resident environment . from multiangular side , the paper analyzes the problem of defensible security in urban resident environment , and submits homologous measure . it is foremost that we hold out the method of settling the problem of safety 論文從多角度綜合分析了居住環境的安全防范問題,并提出了相應的對策和措施,其中最主要的是從規劃設計的角度提出了解決安全問題的原則與方法,并以綜合實例展現了這些途徑的實施。

The most outstanding function of this wheelchair is its height which can be regulated with user ' s requirements . this function helps expand the user ' s available space , supplement the user ' s body defect and reduce the caregiver ' s burden . it get more improved than previous products . besides , the wheelchair has designed both manual and eletric mode . on one hand , it can save user ' s energy and power , on the other hand it won ' t leave users hopeless in case of powering off and relieve the user ' s worriness . in addition , the bigger basket on the tail part of the wheelchair provides the great convenience for user ' s carrying goods . multiangular back and height - regulated pedal add comfortableness to users . the minidesk with the wheelchair is very convenient for users to read , write and do other things 本設計的多功能輪椅最突出的一個功能就是座位的高度可以根據使用者的需求隨意進行調節,這樣就可以大大擴展使用者的操作空間,補充了使用者在身體上的缺陷,也可以減輕照顧人員的工作負擔,比起以前的產品有了較明顯的改進;其他功能還有輪椅的手動電動兩種驅動方式,這樣可以解決老年人和殘疾人在體力上存在的問題,同時在外出時遇上沒電的情況也不至于顯得無能無力,消除了使使用者在長途奔波時的顧慮;此外位于輪椅尾部的超大儲物筐,給使用者攜帶物品帶來了極大的方便,靠背的多角度調節,腳踏板的高度調節大大增加了使用者的使用舒適度,輪椅上小桌的設計給使用者讀書,寫字,進行其他活動帶來了極大的方便。

Using this system will increase the efficiency when excimer laser amplifies ultra - short laser pulse without using any complex multiangular optics system . it is possibly to be a new way to gain high energy , high power , high quality , high efficiency ultra - short uv laser 如果成功,將能充分發揮準分子激光的優點,為產生高功率,高束質的短脈沖激光提供一條簡單、高效率的技術路線和途徑。

This system uses a ring structure instead of complex multiangular optics structure . stimulate raman scatter is used to combine laser beam and it also improve the quality of laser beam 采用這個激光能量儲存環技術能提高準分子激光放大超短脈沖激光的效率,獲得高功率,高束質的激光輸出。

This work follows professor wang naiyan “ s ider of laser energy storage ring . the new method of ultra - short laser pulse train combination is developed from multiangular optics system 但是當脈沖個數增多時脈沖寬度為ps量級的激光的組束、空間調節將很難實現。

Comments on li dazhao ' s choice of theory in the multiangular situation of chinese history researches 論李大釗在中國史學多元格局中的理論選擇

Brief research on multiangular orientation of economic law 經濟法多角度定位初探