
mullion n.【建筑】(窗門的)直欞,豎框。adj.-ed 有直欞...


The wave forms of the glass building are highlighted by a series of extruded aluminum brush finish mullions , following the vertical , curvilinear shape on the north and south facades 波浪式的玻璃建筑上是層層凸起的鋁刷墻面豎框,緊接南北墻面的垂直曲線。

With stormy eyes she pulled the stay - bar quickly , and , in doing so , caught his arm between the casement and the stone mullion 苔絲的眼睛帶著狂怒的感情,急忙把固定窗戶的栓子一拉,這樣就把德貝維爾的胳膊夾在窗戶和石頭的直欞中間了。

At detail 2 , clarify how the waterproof membrane and the vertical mullion interface . the drawing , as shown , does not function properly 請解釋節點2處防水膜和垂直豎框的交界處的處理。圖紙中所顯示的處理方式不合適? ?

Supported by stainless - steel mullions , the stairwell ' s fritted - glass skylight is strong enough to walk on 在多個不銹鋼豎框的支撐作用下,樓梯井的熔塊玻璃天窗非常堅固,行人可在上面來回走動。

Ready . we ' ll use this to get into the vaults . - subtle , as usual , mullion 準備就緒,我們可以用這個進入金庫-小心防范,穆林

- ready . we ' ll use this to get into the vaults . - subtle , as usual , mullion -準備就緒,我們可以用這個進入金庫-小心防范,穆林

Now , don ' t move ! - mullion 不準動-穆林

- now , don ' t move ! - mullion -不準動-穆林

Whom do we have here ? mullion 看看是誰來了穆林

Whom do we have here ? mullion . . 看看是誰來了穆林. .

And give mullion the coordinates 再給穆林提供一些援助

- finish her off , mullion . - shame on you -了結她,穆林-真為你感到羞恥

Finish her off , mullion . - shame on you 了結她,穆林-真為你感到羞恥

Get them , mullion . take whatever you need 找到他們,穆林.隨便你用什么方法