
mullet n.(pl. mullets, 〔集合詞〕mullet)...


Our main products includes more than 20 kinds such as chinese prawn japanese prawn sohth american white prawn swimming crabs mullets weever clam jade snail fairy shrimp eggs shrimp and so on , which sell well in many cities and countries such as tianjin beijing jappan kores and thailand 億元,占大農業總產值的三分之一。主要產品中對蝦、日本對蝦、梭子蟹、梭魚、鱸魚、文蛤、玉螺、豐年蟲卵、毛蝦等二十余種產品遠銷天津、北京、日本、韓國、泰國等國家和地區。

Recipe : smear over mullet egg with barley wine and baking with high temperature until the appearance become crisp and the inside looks just half done . cut in piece than you can serve . accompany with garlic , you will find it more delicious 食用方法:表面涂抹高粱酒,以高溫快速烘烤,讓烏魚子外表香脆,內層維持半生熟狀態,切片即可食用,加大蒜一起食用風味更佳。

Mullet , best known for his design for the executive office building in washington , had originally designed the building with a clock tower . large cost overruns probably caused it to be left out Alfred bult mullet最著名的代表作是位于華盛頓的executive office building ,他最初的作品是一座帶鐘塔的建筑,但大概是因為費用嚴重超標而擱淺。

He served to the palace - attendants , moreover , huge platters heaped up with the viscera of mullets , and flamingo - brains , partridge - eggs , thrush - brains , and the heads of parrots , pheasants , and peacocks 而且,他命令宮殿侍從,在大盤子里堆起鯔魚內臟,火雞的腦,鷓鴣蛋,畫眉腦,鸚鵡頭,雉雞和孔雀。

They ' ve styled their hair into the ever - attractive mullets they ' ve long considered a tracksuit to acceptable attire for an evening out 他們留著怪異的發型穿著運動服出入正式場合,這些足球明星對于時尚規則的破壞足夠使他們進監獄了。

About 96 per cent of the farms are engaged in polyculture ( bighead carp , silver carp , common carp , grass carp in combination with tilapia or grey mullet ) 這些魚塘中,約有96是從事混養(即大頭、 ?魚,鯉魚及

Copies of mullet s original drawings can be seen on the walls of city hall alongside historic photos of columbia s beginnings Mullet設計作品的一些復制品在市政大廳的墻上仍可以見到。

One of the worst things to ever come out of the u . s . has to be the mullet 從美國流行開來的最糟糕的事情之一便莫過于胭脂魚發型了。

Fried snakehead mullet balls 香滑生魚球

Deep - fried sliced snakehead mullet 炸生魚片

Some of the grey mullet fry may also be caught in local coastal waters 本地沿岸水域內,亦可捕獲一些烏頭魚苗。

Snakehead mullet soup with apples 蘋果馬蹄生魚湯

Fried snakehead mullet balls with celery 西芹生魚球

The mullet egg from the ocean is delicious and a perfect gift to others 海捕烏魚子,安平的美味拌手禮

Sliced fried snakehead mullet with bamboo shoots 筍炒生魚片

Sliced snakehead mullet fish with vegetable heart 菜遠生魚片

Mullet - denotes some divine quality bestowed from above 鯔魚喻示這位貴族的身份來自于神圣授予。

Mullet standard for parent fish and fingerling 梭魚親魚和魚種

Sliced snakehead mullet and seasonal vegetable soup 時菜生魚片湯