muller n.1.馬勒〔姓氏〕。2.H. J. Muller 馬勒...
n. 1.馬勒〔姓氏〕。 2.H. J. Muller 馬勒〔1890-1967,美國遺傳學家〕。 n. 研磨器,粉碎機;研杵;攪棒。 n. 燙酒的人;燙酒器。 “automatic muller“ 中文翻譯: 自動平板磨“batch muller“ 中文翻譯: 間歇式碾磨機“cells of muller“ 中文翻譯: 苗勒細胞“centrifugal muller“ 中文翻譯: 擺輪式混砂機; 離心式混砂機“christian muller“ 中文翻譯: 穆勒“continuous muller“ 中文翻譯: 連續混砂機; 連續式混砂機“duct of muller“ 中文翻譯: 苗勒管,副中腎管“eed muller“ 中文翻譯: 擺輪式高速混砂機“fiber of muller“ 中文翻譯: 苗勒纖維“fibre of muller“ 中文翻譯: 繆氏纖維“franck muller“ 中文翻譯: 法蘭克穆勒; 弗蘭克.穆勒; 弗蘭克.繆勒“ganglion of muller“ 中文翻譯: muller神經節:同ganglion superius nervi glossopharyngei“gilles muller“ 中文翻譯: 吉勒斯穆勒“groove muller“ 中文翻譯: 槽形碾砂機“hans muller“ 中文翻譯: 米勒“henry muller“ 中文翻譯: 亨利馬勒“herbert muller“ 中文翻譯: 赫伯特馬勒“hugo muller“ 中文翻譯: 慕雨果“laboratory muller“ 中文翻譯: 實驗室用混砂機“lars muller“ 中文翻譯: 穆勒“lauro muller“ 中文翻譯: 勞魯穆萊爾“margarete muller“ 中文翻譯: 瑪格麗特米勒“michel muller“ 中文翻譯: 米歇爾.穆勒; 米歇爾・穆勒“mirko muller“ 中文翻譯: 米爾科穆勒“muller annular muscle“ 中文翻譯: 米勒環形肌“mullepungo river“ 中文翻譯: 穆耶蓬戈河
mullet |
“ when you have 3 , 000 people dying these horrific deaths so visibly and shockingly , i don ' t see how anyone other than the architect of that plan could possibly carry the emotional weight of what everyone has suffered , “ muller said “當(你看到)有3 , 000人這么觸目驚心地慘死,除了那個計劃的策劃者,我真的不知道誰還能夠承受得了那份大家都備受折磨的感情重擔, ”米勒說道。 |
His goal in valencia , whilst admitting could have been scored by anyone considering the distance , left him on the verge of eclipsing the current record of sixty - two held by the german legend , gerd muller 他在瓦倫西亞的入球的距離之近,可能令人相信任何人都能夠打進,但無論如何這個進球令他快要追平當前的(歐聯入球)紀錄? ?由德國名宿蓋德穆勒所創造的六十二球。 |
George muller , “ the vigor of our spiritual life will be in exact proportion to the place held by the bible in our life and thoughts . . . . i have read the bible through 100 times , and always with increasing delight 喬治慕勒:我們屬靈生命活力的多少,正與圣經在我們生命和思想中所占的位置成正比… …我讀圣經已不下百遍,那份喜悅仍是有增無減。 |
Muller martini , headquartered in switzerland , is a well - known multinational company , providing for the global printing industry print - finishing equipments and solutions as the clear world - market leader in print - finishing field 馬天尼公司是一家總部在瑞士的知名跨國公司,為全球印刷業提供印后處理設備和解決方案,在印后領域處于領導者地位。 |
Ballack limped off at st james ' park following a crunching tackle from titus bramble and , after being assessed by chelsea ' s medical team , was sent to see surgeon hans muller - wohlfahrt in germany 巴拉克再圣詹姆斯公園的比賽中被布蘭布爾鏟傷,在經過切爾西隊醫的診斷之后,他被送往德國外科醫師漢斯穆勒沃爾法赫特那里做進一步治療。 |
Julien muller , software engineer , ibm 05 may 2004 this is the second tutorial in a series that shows you how to simplify your portal applications by accessing heterogeneous data through ejb components over sql views 本文是該系列教程中的第二篇,該教程展示了如何利用ejb組件通過sql視圖來訪問異構數據,從而簡化門戶應用程序。 |
Ms monica lee - muller , hkcec s director of business development , received the award from the organiser ttg asia during the award ceremony and gala dinner in pattaya , thailand on 13 october 2005 于十月十三日在泰國芭堤雅的頒獎典禮及盛大晚宴中,會展中心業務發展總監梅李玉霞女士從主辦機構ttgasia接過這個尊貴國際獎項。 |
German national team doctor dr hans - wilhelm muller - wohlfahrt spoke earlier of the close agreement with the chelsea medical team adding that he thought michael would be back in full training in a number of weeks “在巴拉克能完全回到訓練之前,我們將會繼續在他的復原的這些最后的幾個星期期間每天檢測他的受傷情形。 ” |
Testing on the spot , the muller plow of sand mill , which is prepared by cast - infiltration , is better in the practice and the price can be decreased greatly . so it has a good prospect 在以上研究的基礎上,采用鑄滲法工藝生產的復合刮板,在現場經運行考核達到了預期效果,且價格低廉,具有明顯的經濟價值。 |
Milling system : cracker , muller , milling machine , conveyor , hoist , material house , fluidized bed furnace , helix mixing blade , ripe power house , static dust catcher and shaking motor (四)制粉系統:由鄂破機、粉碎機、磨機、輸送機、提升機、生料倉、沸騰爐、螺旋攪刀、熟粉料倉、靜電除塵器及震打電機組成。 |
Furth , peter . g . , and theo h . j . muller . “ conditional bus priority at signalized intersections : better service quality with less traffic disruption . “ transportation research record 1731 ( 2000 ) : 23 - 20 信號交叉路口的有條件公交優先:更少的交通干擾、更好的服務質量》 。交通研究報告1731 。 |
Muller we , seibert g , beyer r , et al . effect of cordyceps on nucleic acidmetabolim in l5178 cells and on nucleic acid syn the sizing enzyme systems . cancer res , 1977 , 37 : 3824 王莜霞,吳兆龍.冬蟲夏草對離體人腎小球系膜細胞增殖的影響.中國臨床藥學雜志, 2001 , 10 ( 1 ) : 24 26 |
19 guell jl , muller a . laser in situ keratomileusis ( lasik ) for myopia from - 7 to - 18 diopters . j refract surg 1996 ; 12 222 - 228 18王錚,陳家祺,楊斌.準分子激光屈光性角膜切削術與激光原位角膜磨鑲術治療中低度近視的對比.中國實用眼科雜志1996 ; 12 713 - 716 |
1996 , 143 : 205 - 212 . 5 purwar s . an efficient method of computing generalized reed - muller expansions from binary decision diagram . in ieee trans 本文提出了將邏輯函數表示成真值矢量,用提出的積收縮,通用和收縮,消去和分解算符來收縮真值矢量的算法。 |
Pigments and extenders - methods of dispersion for assessment of dispersion characteristics - part 5 : dispersion using an automatic muller iso 8780 - 5 : 1990 ; german version en iso 8780 - 5 : 1995 顏料和稀釋劑.色散特性評估用色散方法.第5部分:色散 |
His three goals took him past german striking legend gerd muller to move to the top of the all - time fifa world cup scoring charts with 15 goals 他的三個進球使其超越了德國傳奇前鋒蓋德?穆勒,以15個進球成為世界杯歷史上進球最多的球員。 |
Heiner muller ' s collage drama stems not only from the need of renovation in dramatic forms , but also from an artistic endeavor to reflect post - modern society 米勒的拼貼劇創作既源于戲劇形式革新的需要,同時也是后現代社會的藝術反映。 |
Reed - muller logic is becoming increasingly attractive . however , its synthesis and optimization are difficult especially for mixed polarity reed - muller logic Rm邏輯函數有二種常用的表示,稱之為固定極性rm fprm和混合極性rm mprm 。 |
Using this result , we further disscuss the gasser - muller estimate . priestley - chao estimate and obtain the corresponding results . in the paper [ 5 ] 應用這一結果具體地討論了gass - muller估計和priestley - chao估計,得到相應的結論。 |