
mullah n.毛拉〔伊斯蘭教徒間對高僧、學者的敬稱〕;伊斯蘭教的法...


There were local chiefs in their dish - dashas and kfirs , a mullah or two , local politicians wearing awkward suits and in need of a shave , and plenty of senior british soldiers and politicos 客人中有身著長袍的地方族長,一二個毛拉,身著邋遢的外套且胡子拉渣的地方政客,及一大批高職位英國軍人和政要。

Sultan quli qutub shah s contemporary and his courtier mullah wajhi is a landmark figure in the history of urdu prose Sultan quli qutub shah的當代和他的廷臣奉承者mullah wajhi是一個地標形象在urdu散文的歷史上。

However much they dislike iran ' s mullahs , gulf arabs dislike more the idea of getting caught up in a war between iran and america 無論他們多么不喜歡伊朗的這位神學老師,他們更不原意看到美伊戰爭。

The groom is allowed to go into the bride ' s room while the mullahs take care of the official marriage papers 在兩位毛拉處理正式結婚的文件時,新郎可以進入新娘的房間。

The king ' s party , whose leaders are as conservative as many mullahs , does not 但“國王的黨”卻不同意,他們的領導人和許多毛拉一樣保守。

Mullah : what in allah ' s name is wrong with you 看在真主的份上,你是怎么啦?

I ' ll deliver you in cuffs to whatever fuckin ' mullah 把你銬起來交給那邊隨便個