
muleteer n.趕騾子的。


His naturally dark complexion had assumed a still further shade of brown from the habit the unfortunate man had acquired of stationing himself from morning till eve at the threshold of his door , on the lookout for guests who seldom came , yet there he stood , day after day , exposed to the meridional rays of a burning sun , with no other protection for his head than a red handkerchief twisted around it , after the manner of the spanish muleteers 他的膚色天生是黯黑的,加之這個可憐蟲又有一個習慣,喜歡從早到晚地站在門口,眼巴巴地盼望著有一個騎馬或徒步來的旅客,使他得以又一次看見客人進門時的喜悅,所以在這黑色之外,又加了一層棕褐色。而他的期待往往是失望的,但他仍舊日復一日地在那兒站著,曝曬在火一般的陽光之下,頭上纏了塊紅手帕,象個西班牙趕騾子的人。

Cadets , muleteers , women and girl workers from the uniform and shoe factory , clerks from the cooperatives and from the soviet post office , soldiers , carpenters , villagers followed by their infants , all began streaming toward the big grassy plain beside the river , where the players were performing 學員、騾夫、婦女、被服工人和鞋襪工人的女工、合作社職工、蘇區郵局職工、士兵、木工、拖兒帶女的村民,大家都向河邊那塊大草地涌過來,演員們就在那里演出。