
mule 短語和例子mule1n.1.騾子,馬騾。2.執拗的人,頑...

mule deer

Mules are a cross between a horse and an ass 騾子是馬和驢的雜種。

Why did the ex - chaufferu lie under the mule 問:從前做過私人司機的那個人干嗎躺在騾子下面?

A mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse 騾子是公驢和母馬交配而生的雜種動物

The state game rule prohibits the use of mules to hunt ducks 州狩獵規定禁止用騾子來獵鴨。

You know that for certain ? mule won ' t run with five 你能確定這點嗎? -騾子可載不了5個人

Little king jesus ' ma and pa saddled a mule 耶穌王的爸爸媽媽坐在騾子上

A mule is a cross between a horse and an ass 騾是馬和驢交配而生的雜種

Be careful ! that mule has a habit of letting out at people 當心!那匹騾子有踢人的習慣。

Using thatpoorlittle girl like a pack mule 象利用馱貨的騾子一樣利用那些可憐的小女孩兒

Stubbornness is considered an attribute of mules 頑固被認為是騾的特性

Or we ' ll beat you like rented mules 否則我們會像打租來的驢子那樣對待你

Stubbornness is considered the attribute of mules 頑固被認為是騾的特性

I didn ' t do it . it ' s that old lndian ' s dumb old mule 不是我干的,是那老印第安人的騾子

Leave them . yellow ' s fine , you stubborn mule 別管這些了黃色好,你這犟驢

- leave them . yellow ' s fine , you stubborn mule 別管這些了黃色好,你這犟驢

He says the people in this country are like mules 他說這個國家的人們就像騾子

A mule is a hybrid of a donkey and a horse 騾子是公驢和母馬交配而生的雜種。

The hybrid from a donkey and a horse is called a mule 驢和馬的雜交種被稱為騾子。

I could hear diane ' s mules - laura ' s they were - 我聽見黛安的拖鞋-它們是勞拉的-