
mulct n.罰金;懲罰。vt.處以罰金;(用計)騙取(錢財)。 ...


“ well , i ve collected from the transcontinental , “ he said in an effort to shift the conversation to a more comfortable subject . the picture of the bewhiskered trio , as he had last seen them , mulcted of four dollars and ninety cents and a ferry ticket , made him chuckle “我已經從跨越大陸收到欠款了, ”他努力轉入一個較為輕松的話題,他所見到的三個連鬢胡叫他搶走了四塊九毛錢外加一張輪渡票的景象使他不禁格格地笑了。

Punishment on youth crime : conversion from mulct to community service 將未成年犯罰金刑易科為社區服務的可行性