
mulch n.【林業】林地覆蓋物;護根物;地面覆蓋料。vt.覆蓋樹...


Double furrows film - mulching potato in dryland of yuzhong county and the cultivation techniques 長沙地區春馬鈴薯不同栽培方式比較試驗

Wood shaving mulch 蓋土刨片

Population development characteristics of rice crop cultivated on aerobic soil with mulching 秸稈覆蓋下旱作水稻的生長發育特征研究

In addition , the crop yield increased better with increasing mulching quantity 試驗表明隨秸稈覆蓋食的增加,作物增產效果越明顯。

Mulch of dung 牛糞可以做鋪墊。

Mrs . mulch ! no 穆齊太太!不要!

Ridging and grass mulching can reduce fruit cracking of fuji apples in huangfan area 起壟加覆草對減少黃泛區富士蘋果裂果的效果

Research amp; amp; trial on machinery production of wheat and rape - seed under mulching on plateau 油菜作物上的適應性試驗研究

Plastics - mulching thermoplastic films for use in agriculture and horticulture 塑料制品.農業和園藝用熱塑性塑料覆蓋薄膜

Crust and mulch structure 上結下松結構

Rape - seed under mulching planting techniques model amp; amp; application effect 高寒地區油菜壟膜溝植技術模式及應用效應

State and development of transplanting mechanization with mulch film at home and abroad 國內外膜上移栽機械化的發展狀況

Plastics - mulching thermoplastic films for use in agriculture and horticulture 塑料.農業和園藝用熱塑性塑料薄膜覆蓋物

Effects of water - collecting mulch on moisture situation in root zone in spring maize 晉中地區春玉米田集雨覆蓋試驗研究

Effect of the fixed screen for greenhouse thermal conservation using mulch as material 地膜作為溫室固定保溫幕效果研究

Nutritional character of potato and effect of increasing yield of film mulch 馬鈴薯的營養特性及地膜覆蓋的增產效應

In winter , the mulched soil may not freeze as deeply as other soil 冬天不會像沒做農地膜的土壤那樣凍得那么厲害。

Example study on soil water and thermal effect of corn plastic mulching 地膜覆蓋下玉米田土壤水熱生態效應試驗研究

Calculation models of rice evapotranspiration in plastic film mulched dryland 覆膜旱作水稻蒸發蒸騰量計算模型研究