
mulberry n.1.【植物;植物學】桑,桑屬;桑椹。2.深紫紅色。3...

mulberry bush

Receiving of mulberry seed 采集桑葚

Determination of organic acids in mulberry raw juice by ion exclusion chromatography 離子排斥色譜法測定桑椹原汁有機酸的研究

When she left , aqiao took some silkworm eggs and a bag of mulberry seeds with her 臨走的時候,阿巧帶了一些蠶卵和一袋桑籽。

Which town ? - mulberry 哪個鎮?桑葚鎮

On some official titles in the poem the mulberry inside the road “ of han dynasty . yan bu - ke 漢代樂府陌上桑中的官制問題

Effects of mulberry leaves on performance of hen laying and eggs quality 飼料中添加桑飼料對蛋雞生產性能和雞蛋品質的影響

Mulberry silkworm fresh cocoons 桑蠶鮮繭

Utilization of mulberry leaves 桑葉的利用

Consideration for quot; mulberry transfer from east to west quot; of sichuan sericultural industry 中國四川蠶業的思考

Seed and sapling of mulberry 桑樹種子和苗木

A study on the flavonoid - extracting technology by microwave from mulberry leaves 微波法提取桑葉黃酮工藝條件的研究

Returning farmland to white mulberry in semiarid of ningxia loess high plateau 寧夏黃土高原半干旱區退耕還桑技術

Research on the dyeing performance of mulberry fruit pigments on silk fabrics 桑椹色素對真絲織物的染色性能研究

Effects of chitosan on the clarity and the compositions of mulberry juice 殼聚糖對桑椹汁澄清度及理化成分的影響

Development of mulberry leaf beer 桑葉啤酒的研制

Antibacteria effect of aqueous extract and ethanol extract of mulberry leaves 桑葉水提物及醇提物抗菌作用的研究

Study on the secretion and the rhizospheric microorganisms of mulberry roots 桑樹根的分泌物和根際微生物的研究

New mulberry trees wereplanted , silkworms and looms brought in 現在當地種植了新的桑樹,也引進了蠶和織機。

Research on application of mulberry fruit red pigment on the silk fabrics 桑椹紅色素在蠶絲織物上的應用研究