
muir n.繆爾〔姓氏〕。


A general stack equation of mobile robot based on analyzing the motion of planar motion object and the mathematical models of four different kinds of common wheels is developed , accordingly , the mobility of mobile robot is addressed and the forward and inverse solutions to speed for specific configuration driven by differential speed are derived . utilizing the muir and newman convention , the description of the posture transformation matrices between different coordinate frames and the solution for the speed of point located on these frames are introduced . according to posture estimation , a more accurate method , dead reckoning algorithm , is developed for a specified configuration characterized by differential speed motorization , and simulations of this algorithm and other traditional methods are carried out using matlab while traversing a circular path 本文對兩輪差速驅動移動機器人的運動學及其本體緩沖設計進行了探討,在對平面運動物體運動分析的基礎上結合四種常用車輪的數學模型,推導出了一個通用的移動機器人堆積方程,在此基礎上分析了移動機器人的移動能力、并針對兩輪差速構型推導了速度正解與逆解;使用muir和newman的運動學建模方法,推導了移動機器人上點及連桿坐標系位姿、速度變換關系矩陣及求解方法;在移動機器人位姿識別方法中結合差速驅動構型對航位推算法進行了分析:推導了一種理論精度較高的航位推算算法,并使用matlab對其與傳統的推算算法在跟蹤圓弧軌跡情況下進行了仿真;最后針對本文所研究的機器人給出了一種比較系統、可靠的緩沖結構設計思路,較好地解決了移動機器人作業過程中外界因素及本身設計中引入的各種不確定誤差問題;本論文研究成果已在本實驗室所開發的樣機上得到實現,經過應用與考核證明其中的分析與設計是切實可行的。

Start the day as we derive across golden gate bridge and reach mount tamalpais . enter muir woods national monument and stand before a over 200 ft tall , 1200 year - old redwood tree while you take a walk through the paths surrounded by natural . enjoy a deliciously seafood buffet lunch 通過舊金山著名的金門大橋,前往位于太平洋邊上海拔2604英尺的海灣山,進入紅木峽谷內的紅木國家公園muir woods national monument ,觀賞聳直參天高達200多英尺,年近800歲的海岸紅木巨樹。

A famous american john muir said in 1898 : “ the grand canyon … as unearthly in the color and grandeur and quantity of its architecture as if you had found it after death on some other star 科羅拉多大峽谷一位著名的美國人約翰?繆爾曾在1898年說過: “ (科羅拉多河的)大峽谷… …它的色彩和構造的宏偉多樣是世上所無的,就像是人消亡以后在別的星球上發現的東西。 ”

A famous american john muir said in 1898 : “ the grand canyon … as unearthly in the color and grandeur and quantity of its architecture as if you had found it after death on some other star 一位著名的美國人約翰?繆爾曾在1898年說過: “ (科羅拉多河的)大峽谷… …它的色彩和構造的宏偉多樣是世上所無的,就像是人消亡以后在別的星球上發現的東西。 ”

Muir wood r . , 1984 . problems of estimating earthquake recurrence from geological investigation in thrust fault terrains . proc . int . comp . on seismic microzonation , ech - cheliff algerea . 1 , 147 - 159 國家地震局地質研究所, 1994 .廣東第三核電廠沙環廠址設計基準地面運動確定

Camilla knew tartan was back in fashion when she visited muir of dinnet national nature reserve on royal deeside in scotland with the prince of wales 在與王儲出訪蘇格蘭時,卡米拉聰明地選擇了永遠不落俗套的格子服飾。

A group of seals rests on floating ice in front of muir glacier in glacier bay , alaska 一群海豹躺在阿拉斯加冰川灣謬爾冰川內的一塊浮冰上休息。

Jane muir on efforts to reduce carbon emissions in an english village 簡?繆爾講述了英國一村莊減少碳足跡的努力。

< i > and john muir into the wild < / i > 以及約翰繆爾和自然保護

In time muir realized that chief usher was a dead end job, and transferred to the state department where he could advance . 后來,米爾覺得首席招待員是一個沒有出息的差事,于是調到了國務院,他在那兒可以得到提升。