muggy adj.(-gier; -giest) 悶熱的,潮濕的;...
adj. (-gier; -giest) 悶熱的,潮濕的;〔美國〕喝醉了的。 n. -giness “muggy monsoon“ 中文翻譯: 濕熱季節風“muggy weather“ 中文翻譯: 悶熱天氣“hot and suffocating; muggy“ 中文翻譯: 郁熱“muggur“ 中文翻譯: 鱷魚之一種“muggsy bogues“ 中文翻譯: 馬格西博格斯“mughaira“ 中文翻譯: 穆蓋拉“muggs“ 中文翻譯: 住的地方“mughaiyir“ 中文翻譯: 穆蓋伊爾“muggleton“ 中文翻譯: 馬格爾頓“mughaizel“ 中文翻譯: 穆蓋澤勒“muggler“ 中文翻譯: 米格勒
mughal |
Limestone and dolomite cover about 130 km2 which takes up about 1 / 7 areas of the national land in china . besides , it is pluviose , muggy and damp in there areas , all of these accelerate the karst caves . there are more than 100 , 000 caves and holes under the earth , which consists of a karst caves kingdom in the world 中國石灰巖和白云巖的出露面積約為130km2 ,約占全國總面積的1 7 ,加之雨量充沛,氣候溫熱潮濕,喀斯特較為發育,地下洞穴孔道,計有數十萬個之多,成為世界上的洞穴王國。 |
The evening , though sunless , had been warm and muggy for the season , and tess had come out with her milkinghood only , naked - armed and jacketless ; certainly not dressed for a drive 傍晚雖然沒有太陽,但是天氣既悶熱又潮濕,苔絲出門時只穿著擠奶的裙子,沒有穿外套,露著胳膊,這身穿著的確不是為了趕大車而穿上的。 |
A ugust 26th , a muggy afternoon , mr . nikolov , the commercial counsellor of bulgaria , invited us , the program was getting started under the natural , harmonize atmosphere 8月26日,一個炎熱的下午,在保加利亞使館的會議室里,我拜見了笑容可掬的商務參贊尼可洛夫先生。 |
He uses his powers to create a muggy fog that settles over the land and drains any person coming into contact with it of all their power and energy 他用自己的力量創造一個潮熱的霧,在陸地上蔓延,將所有接觸它的人的力量和能量吸干。 |
Open - air centres will appear not just in temperate places like southern california but also in muggy houston and frigid massachusetts 露天購物中心不但遍布于氣候溫和的南加利福尼亞,也在悶熱的休斯敦和寒冷的馬薩諸塞州扎根成長。 |
Dozens of the top clock makers in the world convened in new orleans one muggy week this past may to present their latest inventions 2002年5月一個悶熱的星期,數十位世界頂尖的時鐘制造者齊聚美國新奧爾良,展示他們的最新發明。 |
Daytime sea breezes also help take the edge off but nights can be quite muggy 雖然白天的徐徐海風也會起到降溫的作用,但夜晚可能卻是悶熱難耐。 |
The muggy air here hangs heavy and is tinged with an ominous reddish hue 這里的空氣幾乎讓人窒息并且散布著微紅的不詳之兆。 |
The air is muggy and dusk is breaking , 空氣悶熱,黎明將至 |
With all this moisture ? , it feels very muggy ? outside 由于濕氣很重,外面很悶熱。 |
This place as it is now would be damp and cold in winter and hot and muggy in summer . 按目前這樣,這地方冬天準又濕又冷,夏天準又熱又悶。 |
We may expect muggy weather when the rainy season begins . 雨季開始時,我們預料有悶熱的天氣。 |