
mug n.1.(有柄)大杯;一大杯;〔美運〕優勝杯。2.〔俚、...

mug shot

That ' s good , but you don ' t look like that you are mugged 嗯,不錯,但你看起來不像被搶過。

- have you seen my travel mug ? - i haven ' t unpacked it yet -見我的旅行杯了嗎? -還沒拿出來呢

There was a mug shot of the suspect in today ' s newspaper 今天的報紙上刊登了嫌疑犯的照片。

Guangdong top brand stainless steel vacuum mug 廣東名牌不銹鋼真空杯

What “ s next ? coffee mugs ? baseball caps 接下來會是?咖啡杯?棒球帽?

Don ' t look down upon him , he ' s no mug 不要看小了他,他不是個笨蛋喔。

The rugby players were swilling mugs of beer at the bar 橄欖球運動員正在酒吧間痛飲啤酒。

Have you seen my travel mug ? - i haven ' t unpacked it yet 見我的旅行杯了嗎? -還沒拿出來呢

I have a mug of milk and some bread for my breakfast 我喝一大杯牛奶吃一點面包作為早餐。

Don ' t you fucking talk to me like i ' m some kind of mug 你別跟我說話,好象我是個惡棍似的

Here , is this your mug ? look at the state of that 嘿,這就是你的杯子?看看這厚厚的一層

Green dragon . - a mug of ale in my hand 綠龍酒店-手里還有一杯啤酒. .

Whose is this mug ? is this yours , john 這是誰的大杯子?約翰,是你的嗎?

It looks like he ' s enjoying himself , mugging for the crowd 看來他很得意,給人群做著鬼臉

- green dragon . - a mug of ale in my hand -綠龍酒店-手里還有一杯啤酒. .

Their mug shots in the year book are very special 他們在畢業紀念冊里的大頭照都很特別。

My mug shot ' s not plastered all over the news 我的照片還沒有登在報紙上

We can ' t pay for your little happy mug - vase thing 也不能買你的小杯和小瓶

There is a table , four mugs and a cake 有一個桌子、四個大杯和一塊蛋糕。