
mufti n.伊斯蘭教法典說明官;(平時穿著制服者所穿的)便衣,便...


Wireless mobile ad hoc network is composed of mobile terminal nodes with wireless communication device , and typically characterized by its temporariness , multi - hop and no - center . it has an infrastructureless distributed mufti - hop structure ; all nodes have an equal status and act as two roles - router and node itself 無線移動adhoc網絡是由一組帶有無線通信收發裝置的移動終端節點組成的一個多跳、臨時、無中心網絡,網絡中各個節點的地位平等,每個節點都具有主機與路由器的雙重功能,形成了一個以中間主機節點為中繼的、多跳的分布式網絡結構。

At present , compared with traditional mufti - media surveillance system , the burgeoning mpeg - 4 surveillance system based on embedding techniques has many advantages such as small volume , with no user ' s operation , low cost , high stability , good real - time properties as well as convenient storage and transmission , thus it has favorable application and developing prospect 目前新興的基于嵌入式技術的mpeg - 4視頻監控系統與傳統的視頻監控系統相比具有體積小、現場無需專人值守、成本低、穩定性高、實時性好、更適宜存儲和傳輸等優點,具有良好的應用與發展前景。

Serving a field , with satisfying the guest ' s requirement to the greastest extent , society of utmost ground redound is a tenet , regard the creed of directive servive routine and the base that improve service quality as service standard , on the foundation of normative service , stress flexibility , offer for the guest more individuation serves and exceed mufti wu , regard the soul of hotel servive routine as close service 在服務方面,以最大程度地滿足客人的需求,最大限度地回報社會為宗旨,把服務規范作為指導服務工作的綱領和提高服務質量的基礎,在規范服務的基礎上,講究靈活性,多為客人提供個性化服務和超常服務,把貼心服務作為酒店服務工作的靈魂。

As a combination of ofdm with space - time coding technique , mimo - ofdm becomes more and more important in the future wireless communication systems , the mimo - ofdm system can not only effectively enhance the transmission rate and capacity of the wireless communication system but also greatly mitigate the effections of mufti - path fading and interfere Mimo - ofdm技術將ofdm與空時編碼技術有機的結合在一起,能夠大幅度的提高無線通信系統的信道容量和傳輸效率,并能有效的抵抗多徑衰落、抑制干擾和噪聲。

The roman catholic church has one pope as their leader and the islam faith has six grand muftis . grand mufti kuftara was inviting me to come to preach the sermon on one of their holy days . that was an unusual invitation 天主教會有一位教宗,伊斯蘭教有六位教長大馬士革敘利亞的教長寫信給我,是我意想不到的,邀請我在他們的圣日星期五講道,難以置信,非比尋常。

I visited with the grand mufti kuftaro for many hours and mrs . schuller and i were his guests at his ramadan feast . i found him to be one of the most powerful spiritual giants i ve ever met in my life , even though he belonged to a different faith 我接受邀請我去了那里,我認識了高夫特羅教長,是我人生中遇過最有能力的屬靈偉人,即使他信奉不同的宗教。

We discussed at length the main differences that largely separate the islam and christian religion . then we focused on the cross . i asked the grand mufti kuftaro , “ you believe that jesus christ was born of a virgin 我們指出了伊斯蘭教與基督教的分別,但我們都相信耶穌基督,可蘭經和圣經皆記載?由童貞女馬利亞所生,我們都相信?今天活著,并且?要再來。

My journey , i had to tell that story because there s a photograph of the grand mufti and robert schuller in this book , and there are people today that are saying , dangerous , disparaging things against islam 說得對,真棒!我的旅程,我要說出這故事,因書內有我和梅菲迪的照片。

Emboldened by his welcome , mr gomaa offered to help britain set up a post like his own : state - certified grand mufti 受到布萊爾大力歡迎的鼓勵,戈瑪提出幫助英國設立一個如同他自己那樣的職務:國家認可的大穆夫提。

It has become one of the important and influencing standards of present mufti - media data compression encoding algorithm 它已經成為現在最重要、最有影響的多媒體數據壓縮編碼的國際標準之一。

In 1999 , i received a letter from the grand mufti in damascus , syria 我在撒瑪利亞的回教教長身上發現的。

Soldiers wear mufti on leave , not uniform 士兵度假時穿便服,不穿制服