
muddy adj.(-dier; -diest)1.泥多的,泥濘的...

muddy lark

When it rains the ground becomes very muddy 下雨時,地面變得很泥濘。

Muddy siltstone reservoir characters in putaohua oil field 葡萄花油田泥質粉砂巖儲層的特征

He longed to be in the water , however muddy it might be 他很想跳到水里去不管水是多么臟。

Who left these muddy footprints on the kitchen floor 誰把這些泥巴腳印留在廚房的地板上?

The damaged car was labouring along the muddy road 那破車泥濘的道路上慢吞吞地向前爬行。

Please help me to draw off these muddy boots 請幫我脫掉這滿是泥漿的靴子

These are great shoes for muddy weather 這種鞋在雨天泥濘的地上走最合適

Just small ferryboats , and muddy landscapes . . 只有一些小型渡船和泥地. .

Please help me to draw off these muddy boots 請幫我脫掉這滿是泥漿的靴子。

We wiped our muddy feet on the doormat 我們在蹭腳墊上蹭了一下我們的臟腳。

The ground was muddy and uneven , but we toiled on 地面泥濘不平,我們仍吃力地向前走

The police dredged up the parcel from the muddy river 警方從渾濁的河水中撈出包裹。

Heavy trucks made deep furrows in the muddy road 重貨車在泥路上產生了深深的輪溝。

Dash a bucketful of water over the muddy floor 拿一桶水來把這泥污的地板沖洗一下。

This is the acoustic muddy waters gave tommy gunn 這把是馬蒂沃特斯送給湯米甘的

He found a 5 ) suspicious set of 6 ) muddy footprints 他發現一組可疑的泥巴腳印。

The tanks ploughed up the muddy roads 坦克車在泥濘的道路上掘了了高高低低的車轍。

We had to pick our way along the muddy track 我們不得不在泥濘的小道上擇路而行。

The ambulance got stuck in a muddy side road 救護車在一條泥濘的小路上拋錨了。