
mt 短語和例子MT =1.mean time 【天文學】平時...


He was unsuccessful in his attempt to climb mt . everest 他攀登珠穆朗瑪峰的嘗試失敗了。

Mt . 10 : 12 and as you enter into the house , greet it 太十12你們進了那家,要向那家問安。

Mt . 24 : 8 all these things are the beginning of birth pangs 太二四8這些都是產難的開始。

Judgment and correction for mt static shift by tem inversion method 靜位移的識別和校正

Stan , that four - bedroom mt . olympus fell through Stan ,那棟奧林匹斯山的房子沒買出去

The flora of bryophytes in mt . jiucaiping , guizhou province 貴州韭菜坪苔蘚植物區系研究

Mt . jolmolungma is the world ' s highest peak 185珠穆朗瑪峰是世界最高峰。

Grab some takeout , meet me at mt . olympus 去買點外賣,到奧林匹斯山碰面

The yiyuan ape - man fossil , discovered to the east of mt 黃河中上游部落的圖騰,則是。

Mt . jolmo lungma is the highest mountain in the world 珠穆朗瑪峰是世界上最高的山峰。

His name is emmanuel god with us . mt 1 : 23 ?的名字叫厄瑪奴耳天主與我們同在瑪1 : 23 。

Man , i don ' t want no crap on no mt . olympics 伙計,我可不想在奧林匹亞山上買什么破房子

To update permissions for an existing mts component 更新現有mts組件的權限

Mt . 9 : 26 and this report went out into all that land 太九26于是這風聲傳遍了那地方。

Software design for mt natural gas flow standard device 法天然氣流量標準裝置軟件設計

Mt . 26 : 64 jesus said to him , you have said rightly 太二六64耶穌對他說,你說的對了!

Are available for capacities between 100 and 850 mt day 并流蓄熱式石灰窯的產量可以從

Climbing mt . everest is anything but a pleasure trip 登圣母峰絕不是一次輕松的旅途。

Mt . 14 : 18 and he said , bring them here to me 太十四18他就說,拿過來給我。