
msi MSI = medium-scale integrati...


The following individual windows installer packages for the sms 2003 sp1 advanced client are included in this client . msi 該client . msi中包含以下用于sms 2003 sp1高級客戶端的單獨windows安裝程序包

Download ssmse by clicking the sqlserver2005 ssmsee . msi link later on this page . to start the installation immediately , click 按一下此頁面稍后出現的sqlserver2005 ssmsee . msi連結,下載ssmse 。

Copy passdata installer . msi , setup . exe , and all other files and subdirectories in the directory to another computer Msi ” 、 setup . exe以及該目錄下的其他所有文件和子目錄復制到另一臺計算機上。

Running the . msi file on the computer where you want to deploy the policy , either from the local disk or from a share 在需要在其上部署策略的計算機上,從本地磁盤或從共享位置運行. msi文件。

An . msi file is a self - contained installation package that can be deployed , installed , and uninstalled in a number of ways . msi文件是獨立的安裝包,可以用多種方法部署、安裝和卸載該文件。

Merge modules cannot be installed alone , but must be used within the context of a windows installer . msi file 合并模塊無法單獨安裝,而是必須在windows installer ( . msi )文件的環境內使用。

Installing multiple locales of same msi results in multiple instances of netcf showing up in add remove programs 安裝多個地區設定相同的msi會在新增移除程式顯示多個netcf執行個體

This msi also includes individual sms 2003 sp1 advanced client windows installer update packages . msp 此msi還包括單獨的sms 2003 sp1高級客戶端windows安裝程序更新程序包. msp 。

Copy the . msi file and all other files and subdirectories in the directory to the web server computer 將該目錄中的. msi文件以及其他所有文件和子目錄復制到web服務器計算機上。

However , the hammers have struck a deal with media sports investments ( msi ) - who own the rights to the corinthians pair 然而,卻是鐵錘幫與科林蒂安的擁有者msi簽了協議。

Re - released to address a patching issue when applying the update to a machine with msi 2 . 0 installed 此為重新發行,以解決套用更新至安裝msi 2 . 0的機器時發生的修補問題。

Setup install uninstall fails silently when the msi is launched from control panel - programs and features on vista 由于已經配置com系結,完成項在rtf物件上發生失敗

To ensure serviceability and technical support , use the . msi file to deliver software components 為確保維護能力與技術支援,請使用這個. msi檔案來提供軟體元件。

The . msi file installs redistributable components to a specific location on the destination computer 這個. msi檔案會在目的地電腦上的指定位置安裝可轉散發元件。

You can also uninstall the program by right - clicking the program icon for the . msi file and selecting Msi文件的程序圖標并選擇“卸載”來卸載該程序。

Files will be packaged in one or more . cab files in the same directory as the . msi file 文件將打包到與. msi文件在同一個目錄的一個或多個. cab文件。

To remove the download file , delete the appropriate . msi files saved to your hard disk 要刪除該下載文件,請刪除保存在硬盤上的相應. msi文件。

Addressed patching issue when applying the update on a computer where msi 3 . 0 is installed 解決了在安裝msi 3 . 0的計算機上應用更新時的問題。

It is recommended to distribute project files using the . msi windows installer technology 推薦用. msi windows安裝程序技術分發項目文件。