
mph mph,m.p.h.= miles per hour 英...


The 29 - year - old record - holder lived to tell about being thrown 118 feet by a car that hit him while traveling about 70 mph 這名29歲的紀錄保持人逃過一劫后,訴說有關他被一輛時速70英里的車撞飛到118 ?遠的事跡。

A person driving next to the car at 55 mph could look out the window and copy down the phone number from the sign 而一個在旁邊同樣以55英里時速行駛的車上的人就可以將頭探出車窗并將標牌上的電話號碼抄下來。

Upon reaching grenada , ivan intensified into a category 4 storm , with maximum sustained winds of 150 mph 241 kph 伊凡直撲而來后,即增強為四級暴風,最大風速達每小時150英里相當于每小時241公里。

You rush to the car and drive your daughter to school . because you are late , you drive 40 miles an hour in a 30 mph speed limit 因為你已經遲到了,你以時速四十英里在一條限速三十英里上的道路前進。

She could hear the dispatcher radioing for help as the speedometer passed 80 mph . . . then 85 她可以聽到報案中心正在用無線電呼喊緊急求援,這時她車子的時速已經沖過了八十公里,跟著到了八十五公里。

A person going down the road in the opposite direction at 55 mph would zoom by the car and probably not even know the sign was there 但另一個以同樣時速卻往反方向行駛的人甚至連標牌都看不到。

But the workers entered the work area at 8 : 40 p . m . and were hit by the train traveling at more than 75 mph , it said 但工人在晚上8點40分就進入工作區。他們被以時速超過75英里的行駛火車撞到。

Simulation results show that the cost of kbmph and kbmphi is lower than that of mph ( minimum cost p aths heuristic ) algorithm 仿真結果證明kbmph算法和kbmph _ 1算法在費用性能上優于mph算法。

“ look at those gorgeous farms ! “ my husband exclaimed as pastoral scenery slid by us at 55 mph “看哪,那些美麗的農場! ”老公高聲喊道,田園景色以每小時五十五英里的速度在我們身邊滑過。

One such “ detail ” was that experiments always measured the speed of light as 3x10 8 m / s ( 186 , 000 mph ) 其中之一就是實驗中對光速的測量結果總是在每秒30萬公里(也就是時速18 . 6萬英里) 。

Indeed , in one pre - race test sandstorm drove 57 miles at speeds up to 35 mph without incident 的確,在賽前的一次測試當中,沙塵暴以最高56公里的時速駕駛了91 . 7公里而沒有發生任何意外。

There were 15 turns and we navigated each of them perfectly , racing at an average speed of 82 . 3 mph 比賽一共有15個轉彎,我們完美的通過了每一個彎道,平均速度達到每小時82 . 3英里。

However , often during the takeoffs and landings , an aircraft is operating at approximate speeds of 150 mph or less 然而通常在起降過程中,飛機的飛行速度不會超過150英里每小時。

But the speedometer kept climbing . . . past 60 mph , then 65 ! she jammed her foot down on the emergency brake 可是車速還在不停的攀升,已經超過了六十公里,跟著到了六十五公里!

It would be named tropical storm dean if its sustained wind strengthens to at least 39 mph , the threshold for a named storm 不同風速級別的氣旋通常用不同的稱號來加以區分。

U . s . president bill clinton signs a highway bill that ends the federal 55 mph speed limit 1995年,美國總統比爾?克林頓簽署了終止聯邦55英里小時行車限速的高速公路法案。

He was driving in a 65 mph zone , and the patrol said it ' s the first time james was ticketed 他當時在限速65英里的區域內行駛,巡邏隊稱他們是第一次對勒布朗開罰單。

Debris from the impact was ejected in all directions at 700 - 1 , 400 mph . , tracking data indicate 跟蹤數據顯示,碎片以每小時700至1400英里的速度向各個方向飛散。

It ' s better to have at least double that , especially if you ' re traveling at 60 mph or faster 最好至少兩倍,尤其是如果你的車速為60英里小時或更快。