mpg m.p.g. = miles per gallon 英里...
m.p.g. = miles per gallon 英里/加侖。 “mpg files“ 中文翻譯: mpg動畫文件“mpg unit“ 中文翻譯: 丙二醇裝置“rmvb to mpg“ 中文翻譯: 評轉換軟件“mpg or mpg miles per gallon“ 中文翻譯: 英里每加侖“mile per gallon mpg“ 中文翻譯: 每加侖油量可跑的英哩數“mpg mile per gallon“ 中文翻譯: 每加侖哩程“mpg miles per gallon“ 中文翻譯: 里程/每加侖; 每加侖…公里; 尾氣檢測通過“mpg動畫文件“ 中文翻譯: mpg files“mpfwp“ 中文翻譯: 蒙古斑同族世界平和連合“mpfubusa“ 中文翻譯: 姆普富布薩“mpftp“ 中文翻譯: 打包下載“mpfi multi-port fuel injection“ 中文翻譯: 多點燃油噴射“mpfi multi-point fuel injection“ 中文翻譯: 多點燃油噴射
mph |
For example , a car driven 10 , 000 miles a year with a fuel efficiency of 30 miles per gallon ( mpg ) emits close to one ton of carbon annually 例如,一輛汽車一年行駛1萬6000公里,燃油效率是每公升12 . 6公里,一年就會排放出將近一噸的碳。 |
We could also give tax rebates for existing hybrid gas - electric vehicles that get as much as 60 mpg and invest in mass transit 我們還可以對現有達到60英里/加侖的氣電混合機動車減稅,并投資于公共交通。 |
In making this size change , additional properties were developed , that when added , enhanced the mpg - caps tm formula 因為增加并提升mpg - caps配方,雖然每顆的尺寸改變了,卻提升了產品特性的展現。 |
Nevertheless , “ you may not see the clarity of mpg vs . power between the divisions like we once told you , “ he says 接著他又說: “你們可能搞不清楚我們曾經宣傳的動力性與燃油經濟性之比較。 ” |
If their average fuel efficiency were 30 mpg , their tailpipes would spew two billion tons of carbon that year 如果平均燃油效率是每公升12 . 6公里,那一年,這些車輛的排氣管會排出20億噸碳。 |
To remove the file you installed , search for and delete the following file from your hard disk drive : bee . mpg 若要刪除已安裝的文件,請在硬盤中搜索并刪除以下文件: bee . mpg 。 |
You are able to quickly and successfully edit a new program by using mpg control and teach mode 具有mpg手輪編輯功能及teach教導模式,使您可迅速成功的編寫程式 |
But you can try to use vcdcutter software to open and convert to mpg files for editing 使用較小字型或除去輕柔陰影,就能加速您的制作程序。 |
Mpg mile per gallon 每加侖哩程 |
Service demonstration on online delivery of electronic extract mpg format : 60mb 網上傳送電子摘錄的服務示范mpg格式: 57mb |
Use the downloaded file , bee . mpg , in 使用說明請按課程 |
At 60 mpg , they would give off a billion tons 如果是每公升25 . 2公里,就會排出10億噸。 |
Mpg format , linked with the above presentation file Mpg格式,與上述演示檔一并使用 |