
mozambique n.莫桑比克(舊譯莫三鼻給)〔非洲〕。


The other is of a 37 - year - old man who had traveled to south africa and mozambique 在此我們報告兩個境外移入的惡性瘧疾感染產生嚴重并發癥的病例。

The great rift valley , from eritrea to mozambique , could produce 7 , 000mw 從厄立特里亞開始到莫桑比克為止的東非大裂谷就能產出七千兆萬特的電能。

A delegation from geocapital holdings which is headquartered in macau recently visited mozambique 合作協議將由geocapital公司的何鴻?若熱?

Climatological information for angola , mozambique , south africa , zambia and zimbabwe 安哥拉、贊比亞、津巴布韋、莫桑比克及南非各地氣候資料

Climatological information for angola , mozambique , south africa , zambia and zimbabwe 安哥拉贊比亞津巴布韋莫桑比克及南非各地氣候資料

A study tour report on production of cashew and its diseases and pests management in mozambique 莫桑比克腰果生產及病蟲害防治考察報告

The example of above is mozambique half under sap measurement , the other not changeses 以上圖例是莫桑比克送一個白邊的量法。

China has its own way , and mozambique must also find its own way 中國有中國自己的模式,莫桑比克也應該有莫桑比克自己的模式。

In february # ( mozambique ) had the worse ( worst ) flooding in six years 二月份,莫桑比克遭遇了六年以來最為嚴重的洪災。

Interview to mr . rahman , counsellor for economic affairs of mozambique embassy 莫桑比克大使館經濟參贊拉赫曼先生

In february , mozambique had the worst flooding in six years 二月份,莫桑比克遭受了六年來最嚴重的洪澇災害。

Consulate general of mozambique 莫桑比克駐港總領事館

In february , mozambique had the worst flooding in 6 years 二月,莫桑比克遭受到了6年以來最嚴重的一次洪災。

In february , mozambique had the worst flooding in 6 years 今年二月份,莫桑比克遭受了六年來最嚴重的洪災。

In february , mozambique had the worst flooding in 60 ( 6 ) years 二月份,莫桑比克遭受了6年來最嚴重的洪水。

Begin supporting programmes in cambodia , china and mozambique 開始資助中國內地柬埔寨及莫桑比克的發展項目

In february , mosanbig ( mozambique ) had the worst flooding in 6 years 二月,莫桑比克發生了6年不遇的洪水。

In february , mozambique had the worst flooding in six years 二月,莫桑比克經歷了六年來最大的一次洪水。

In february , mozambique had the worst flooding in 6 years 二月份,莫桑比克遭遇了近六年來最嚴重的洪災。