
moxa n.【醫學】艾絨;灼烙劑;【植物;植物學】艾。


The group reachs beautiful water in smooth lake the modern industry garden that two ground have total floor area to amount to 75000 square metre two , establish in shanghai at the same time have the operation company that is a center with design , sale , the group has stuff many 2350 , zhejiang moxa lai is had to depend on ai lai of limited company of dress of er of humble of luck of limited company of eider down products , zhejiang handkerchief , zhejiang to depend on ai lai of dress limited company , shanghai to depend on dress limited company , shanghai below the banner ai lai sells limited company , shanghai according to dress ai lai 集團在平湖及麗水兩地擁有總建筑面積達75000平方米的現代化工業園兩座,同時在上海設立有以設計、銷售為中心的運營公司,集團現有員工2350多名,旗下擁有浙江艾萊依羽絨制品有限公司、浙江帕瑞菲爾服飾有限公司、浙江艾萊依服飾有限公司、上海艾萊依服飾有限公司、上海艾萊依服裝銷售有限公司、上海艾萊依家用紡織品有限公司6家子公司。

In this paper , the main works are followed : la cqt dialing and testing system has been developed ; 2 . by using two moxa cards , the rs - 232 serial port is expanded ; 3 . a software of interface and control is programmed , which can accomplish the function of data collection and analysis Cqt撥打測試終端的研制,其中包括測試終端的總體設計、原理圖及印刷電路板設計,電路板焊接與調試。 2利用moxa卡對計算機的rs - 232串行接口進行擴展的設計與實現。

Treatment of obstinate facial paralysis by suowuxiong tang combined with moxa moxibustion : a clinical observation of 28 cases 鎖蜈芎湯加艾灸治療難治性面癱28例臨床觀察

Cone - shaped moxa moxibustion treating herpes zoster and its mechanism 艾柱圍灸治療帶狀皰疹及其機理的探討