moviegoer (常)看電影的人。
(常)看電影的人。 “the moviegoer“ 中文翻譯: 熱愛電影的人“movieland“ 中文翻譯: 電影園地“moviedom“ 中文翻譯: 電影界。 “moviemaker“ 中文翻譯: 電影制作人“movieclip(object)“ 中文翻譯: 電影夾功能“moviemakers“ 中文翻譯: 電影制作者“movie; film; motion picture“ 中文翻譯: 電影“moviemaking“ 中文翻譯: 制片人“movie-tone“ 中文翻譯: 有聲電影。 “movieola“ 中文翻譯: 電影控制器“movie-plex or multiplex“ 中文翻譯: 電影城; 多廳的電影院
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It is as if the only job of the screenwriter was to translate the script from korean into chinese , and what the director had to contribute was to merely remind the actors to remember the performance of their counterparts in the original and imitate them wholeheartedly . as an enthusiastic moviegoer who has seen quite many remake films before , i have to admit that this is probably the most faithful one i have ever seen so far 對,這部電影的編劇唯一的工作,就是把原版的韓文劇本一字不漏地翻譯成中文;攝影和美術等部門要做的,就是把《愛的空間》先看一遍,然后直接臨摹,包括場景布置,鏡頭位置等,都要一式一樣照搬。 |
Los angeles ( reuters ) - like an army of orcs , moviegoers around the world stormed movie theaters to gasp at the spectacle of “ the lord of the rings : the return of the king , “ the much - praised conclusion of director peter jackson ' s lucrative hobbit trilogy 洛杉磯(路透社) ? ?電影愛好者們就象一隊隊“獸人”的部隊,紛紛奔赴各大影院,欣賞導演比特.杰克遜《指環王》三部曲的完結篇? ? 《王者歸來》 ,這部影片近來可說是頗受好評。 |
In 1998 , he traded in the megabucks and silly grins to star in peter weir s truman show , the 1998 . playing a naive salesman who discovers that his entire life is the subject of a tv show , carrey demonstrated an uncharacteristic sincerity that took moviegoers by surprise 1996年,由他主演的影片王牌特派員the cable guy也獲得了很大的成功,此時,他的片酬已達到了2000萬美元之巨。 |
“ the potter franchise is just irresistible to moviegoers , “ said paul , president of box - office tracker exhibitor relations . “ the combination of the potter books and the love audiences have for the movies conspired a big opening weekend . “哈利波特對于喜歡看電影的人來說是不可抗拒的,哈利波特叢書和觀眾對哈里波特電影的鐘愛共同促成了這個票房收入可觀的周末。 ” |
The two directors shared the best director award . the animated film shrek , produced by steven spielberg ' s dreamworks studio and directed by victoria jensen and andrew adamson , received a warm welcome among moviegoers 由斯蒂芬斯皮爾伯格的夢幻制片廠出品并由維克多里亞簡森和安德魯阿達姆森執導的動畫片施萊克受到了影迷的熱烈歡迎。 |
While all five candidates for the top oscar have managed respectable ticket sales , they collectively have been seen by fewer moviegoers than any batch of best - picture nominees in 20 years 雖說今年5部最佳提名影片最終都磕磕碰碰地達到了票房收入,但是即使把看過這5部片子的所有觀眾都加起來,也抵不上過去20年里任何單部提名影片的觀眾。 |
Disney ' s 2005 version of the lion , the witch and the wardrobe not only returns to the british world war ii setting , but gives moviegoers a sense of the effects of the war on the children 迪斯尼2005年版《獅子、女巫、魔衣櫥》不僅將影片置身于第二次世界大戰時的英國,而且還描寫出了戰爭對孩子們的影響。 |
But the controversy did little to deter moviegoers , who packed theaters in almost every country the film debuted . the movie also set opening - weekend records in italy and spain , sony pictures said 但是對于影片的爭議并沒有影響觀眾們看這部片子的熱情,影片在每個國家首映時,電影院里幾乎都是座無虛席。 |
When james declares that he is going to take jake in , moviegoers can hear mike pleading with his brother not to do it , ultimately relenting once the bot has negotiated the opening 當詹姆斯宣布要讓杰克進入時,看電影的人可以聽到麥克懇求他哥哥不要這麼做,最后因為機器安全通過洞口,氣氛才緩和下來。 |
The animated film shrek , produced by steven spielberg ' s dreamworks studio and directed by victoria jensen and andrew adamson , received a warm welcome among moviegoers 由斯蒂芬-斯皮爾伯格的夢幻制片廠出品、并由維克多里亞-簡森和安德魯-阿達姆森執導的動畫片《施萊克》受到了影迷的熱烈歡迎。 |
“ an audaciously original feat of allegorical story - telling , one of those visionary achievements that stirs moviegoers into a fury and goes on to define a decade . 一個寓言般的大膽創新的表演,足夠驅使電影愛好者走向狂熱并且創造一個世紀的電影成就之一。 |
After winning his second academy award1 for raging bull , robert de niro began to show moviegoers a kinder , gentler de niro 以《蠻牛》奪下個人第二座奧斯卡金像獎之后,羅伯特?德?尼羅便開始向電影觀眾展現他較親切、溫和的一面。 |
A casual surf of the internet shows how many moviegoers speak of star wars not as a film , but a religion 到網站上面放任搜索一下,你就會發覺星戰在許多電影迷心中已遠不是一部電影那么簡明了,它已成為了一種什么樣的信仰。 |
“ how often do a bunch of santas just go and wreak havoc ? “ rive said . “ it was a random act of stupidity “ that upset moviegoers 說不準哪時又跑出來搞破壞。這些愚蠢任性行為讓經常來看電影的人心驚膽戰。 |
Julia roberts s command of the screen is so effortless , it s easy for moviegoers to take her for granted - but we shouldn t 直至某日高宣布與女朋友結婚,那時茱莉才發覺最愛的是米高,于是她決定不. . |
Over the decades moviegoers have heard the straight version of “ lilli ” in dozens of feature films and documentaries 在此后的幾十年中,觀眾都可以在數十部故事片和紀錄片中聽到“麗莉” 。 |
So if you are a veteran moviegoer of hong kong cinema , you probably wouldn t find anything new or genuinely funny in this film 和近期其他愛情喜劇有點相似的是,片中男主角仍屬弱男一族。 |
Transformers toys on display in the cinemas also proved a smash hit with the local moviegoers 影院里展出的變形金剛玩具,在本地電影愛好者中也是大受歡迎。 |
To most moviegoers , gwyneth paltrow was “ that english actress that used to be engaged to brad pitt . 我這樣做的理由是我要這樣,而不是錢要我這樣。 |