
move vt.1.動,移,移動,搬動(opp. fix);開動;...


Hearn conceded on the twenty-fifth move . 赫恩走到第二十五步,終于認了輸。

Do you know all the possible moves in chess ? 國際象棋的各種走法你都會嗎?

Move over and let your grandmother sit down . 讓你外婆坐下來。

The scene moved him to compose a poem . 他即景生情,賦詩一首。

It is late ; we would better get moving . 天晚了,咱們快走吧。

On various pretexts they all moved off . 他們以各種各樣的借口紛紛離開了。

Mother is disclined towards a long distance move ... 母親不愿作遠途遷居。

Several of his pals started to move in on me . 他的幾個同伙準備對我下手。

When did you move out of the dormitory ? 你什么時侯搬出宿舍的?

His arms hung loose and did not move . 他的兩臂軟綿綿地耷拉著,動彈不了。

The sky is clear, but the cloud moves on . 天空晴朗清澈,但有云兒在移動。

I detained him as he was making a move . 他剛起步,我喊住了他。

His words moved everyone present . 他的話使在場的人都受到感動。

Edward, king of england, was slow to move . 英王愛德華行動遲緩。

They move a lot in ten days . 這十天里他們轉悠的地方也夠多的了。

We must move more players into the attack . 我們要多調配運動員到攻球區。

Her first move was to call on mr. heath . 她的第一個行動是拜訪希思先生。

We are reckoning on moving house in may . 我們指望著五月份搬家。

Her dress swung as she moved her body . 她的衣服隨著她身子的擺動而飄動。