
mouton n.染色綿羊毛皮。


At the council in maley yaroslavets , when the french generals , affecting to be deliberating , gave various opinions as to what was to be done , the opinion of the blunt soldier , mouton , who said what all were thinking , that the only thing to do was to get away as quickly as possible , closed every ones mouth ; and no one , not even napoleon , could say anything in opposition to this truth that all recognised 正因為這樣,在小雅羅斯拉維茨會次上,將軍們假裝正經地商議,發表各種意見,憨直的軍人穆頓說出了大家想說的話只有盡快逃跑,他這個最后的意見一下堵住了大家的嘴,沒有人,甚至拿破侖,都說不出什么來反對這個大家都已經意識到了的真理。

Napoleon , with his forty years and his corpulence , had not all his old resourcefulness and courage , and he quite took the hint ; and under the influence of the fright the cossacks had given him , he agreed at once with mouton , and gave , as the historians tell us , the order to retreat along the smolensk road 拿破侖這個四十歲的人,已經沒有昔日的靈活和勇敢了,他知道這一苗頭。在他受到哥薩克的驚嚇之后,立刻就同意了穆頓的意見,如史學家所說,發生了向斯摩棱斯克大路撤退的命令。

The fact that napoleon agreed with mouton , and that the army did not retreat in that direction , does not prove that his command decided that retreat , but that the forces acting on the whole army and driving it along the mozhaisk road were simultaneously acting upon napoleon too 拿破侖同意了穆頓的意見,軍隊退卻了,并不證明他曾下令這樣做,而是證明了對全軍起作用的那種力量,即促使全軍取道莫扎伊斯克大路的那種力量,同時也在拿破侖身上起了作用。

Report flies over paris as on golden wings ; penetrates the prisons ; irradiates the faces of those that were ready to perish : turnkeys and moutons , fallen from their high estate , look mute and blue 消息象附在金翼,在巴黎上空飛揚,進入監獄之中,點亮了那些準備死亡的人的臉:看守人和從高貴地位降為待宰羔羊的罪人們不說話,臉色鐵青。

“ potage de mouton a l ' ecossaise . (法語) “一碗蘇格蘭羊肉湯”