mouthwash 漱口水,洗口藥。
漱口水,洗口藥。 “aromatic mouthwash“ 中文翻譯: 芳香漱口液“mouthwash of alum“ 中文翻譯: 明礬漱口液“gargle, oral rinse, mouthwash“ 中文翻譯: 含漱液“mouthuy“ 中文翻譯: 穆蒂“mouthwashes for medical purposes“ 中文翻譯: 醫用漱口“mouths of the mekong“ 中文翻譯: 湄公河口“mouthwatering“ 中文翻譯: adj. 使人流饞涎的;味道好的。 “mouths of the krishna“ 中文翻譯: 克里希納河口“mouthy“ 中文翻譯: adj. (mouthier; -iest) 說大話的,夸口的;嘴碎的,愛說話的。 adv. -ily ,-iness n. “mouths of the irrawaddy“ 中文翻譯: 伊洛瓦底江口“mouti“ 中文翻譯: 穆蒂“mouths of the indus“ 中文翻譯: 印度河口
mouthwatering |
Modern medical uses include : bronchitis , diarrhea , dysentery , hyperthyroidism , stretch marks , thrush , ulcers , vaginal thrush , viral hepatitis , asthma , athlete ' s foot , candida , catarrh ( mucus ) , coughs , eczema , digestion , dyspepsia ( impaired digestion ) , flatulence ( gas ) , fungal infections , gingivitis , gum infections , hemorrhoids , support immune system , mouth ulcers , decongest prostate gland , ringworms , sore throats , skin conditions ( chapped and cracked ) , skin inflammation , wounds , and wrinkles , toothpastes , mouthwashes , cosmetics , and food flavorings 現代的醫藥用途包括:支氣管炎,腹瀉,痢疾,甲狀腺機能亢進,緊張,鵝口瘡,潰瘍,陰道的鵝口瘡,哮喘,腳癬,粘膜炎,咳嗽,濕疹,消化不良,腸胃氣脹,真菌感染,齒齦炎,齒齦感染,痔瘡,支持免疫系統,口潰瘍,解除前列腺充血,癬茵病,咽喉痛,皮膚問題(干燥和裂開) ,皮膚發炎,傷口和皺紋,還可用作牙膏,漱口水,化妝品和食物調味料。 |
In addition to these diseases acute need antibiotics to control infection , sore throat and local drug is also very important , such as iodine tablet , mrs eliminate fun , borax films such as mouthwash bactericidal effect , i would increase the drug - containing lesions and the contact area , especially to remove inflammatory secretions , reducing local symptoms very favorable 對這些疾病除急性期需要用抗菌素控制感染外,咽喉局部用藥也非常重要,如碘喉片、杜滅芬、硼砂漱口片等具有殺菌作用,口含能增加藥物與病變組織的接觸面,尤其對消除炎性分泌物、減輕局部癥狀非常有利。 |
Mr . m answers : at present jiayun brand oral treasure mouthwash is awarded the second prize of medical health science and technology progenies by office of health , henan province and invention gold medal prize by the henan invention association . it is recognized as a kind of excellent products by dental diseases prevention and treatment leading group of henan province 但是目前來講,佳運牌口腔寶消毒劑曾獲河南省衛生廳醫藥衛生科技進步二等獎河南省發明協會發明金獎等榮譽,九七年就被河南省牙病防治小組認可為“優秀產品”向全省推薦使用。 |
For passengers on long - haul flights , we offer specially selected amenity kits for him acca kappa products from italy and victorinox travel bags from switzerland and for her darphin products from france and ipa - nima travel bags from vietnam as well as basic essentials including toothbrushes , toothpaste and mouthwash 對于遠程飛行的乘客,我們為您提供來自elemis的一些旅行必須品,包括精選護膚用品,牙刷,牙膏和漱口水。 |
Pay attention to oral hygiene and form a habit of brushing teeth in the morning and at night , and gargling after meals immediately . warm salt water , physiological saline and medicament mouthwash can be used to reduce oral bacteria and prevent the secondary infection because of food debris 第一點要注意口腔衛生,養成早晚刷牙飯后即刻漱口的良好習慣,可用鹽開水生理鹽水,也可用藥物漱口液,減少口腔細菌,防止因 |
2003 our product is warranted by ministry of health of p . c . r . which is the first product warranted to disinfect oral mucous membrane since new is implemented . jiayun brand and oral treasure mouthwash is the only kind of product which is used to oral disinfection 二00三年舉國防治非典工作中,本公司產品佳運牌口腔寶消毒劑是衛生部和河南省衛生廳向社會公示的多家消毒產品中唯一一個可用于口腔消毒的產品。 |
While the elderly will be different , because of aging , shrinking oral glands , saliva secretion natural decrease , brushing , mouthwash , especially after dinner , france ' s right to maintain oral health , prevention of oral diseases is a very important measure 而老年人就不同了,由于衰老,口腔腺體萎縮,唾液分泌量自然減少,刷牙、漱口,特別是飯后、臨睡前對保持口腔衛生,預防口腔疾病是一個很重要的措施。 |
According to a market research firm ' s findings , americans spent $ 1 . 8 billion on toothpaste in 2000 , around $ 715 million on oral - care gum , almost $ 740 million on mouthwash and other dental rinses , and almost $ 950 million on toothbrushes and dental floss 根據一家市場研究公司的調查,美國人在2000年時花了18億美元買牙膏,約7億1500萬美元買照護口腔用的口香糖,以及將近9億5000萬美元買牙刷與牙線。 |
Our amenity kits , by french label agnes b , feature select skincare products from american brands murad or dermalogica , and other essentials such as toothbrush , toothpaste and mouthwash . where comfort is essential 套裝內附美國護膚名牌murad或dermalogica精選護膚用品,更有其他個人用品包括牙刷牙膏及漱口水等,體貼照顧您的需要。 |
Introducing xxx family solutions with mouthwash , a new toothpaste that gives you the clean teeth you expect from xxx along with a splash of mouthwash to leave your mouth feeling cleansed and refreshed 介紹xxx含有漱口水的家用新型牙膏,這種牙膏在你所期待的清潔牙齒的同時,內含的漱口水成份可以使您口氣清新 |
Help prevent tooth decay and gum disease by cleaning away plaque at the gum line each day using glister multi - action fluoride toothpaste and rinsing with glister concentrated mouthwash 要預防蛀牙及牙周病,建議你每天使用麗齒健?氟素牙膏,清除積聚于牙齦邊緣的牙垢膜,再以麗齒健?濃縮漱口水漱口。 |
In our age of gyms and jogging , dental floss and deodorants , mouthwash and moisturisers , a chap can waft along with ease every day feeling fit and fragrant 在我們這個時興健身房與慢跑,牙線與除臭劑,漱口水與潤膚乳的年代,小伙子每天輕輕松松就能飄散著健康與芳香的氣息。 |
The leading group recommends using it . jiayun brand oral treasure mouthwash is the only kind of product which is used to oral disinfection . you can feel easy to use it 本產品是按新的消毒管理辦法經衛生部批準的第一個可直接用于口腔消毒的高科技產品,這是無疑問的。 |
As well as doing this you should also be practising good oral hygiene , including brushing and flossing your teeth , and perhaps adding regular mouthwashes 這樣做時,你也應該進行健康的口腔衛生練習,包括用牙刷和牙線清潔你的牙齒,或許加上有規律的使用漱口水。 |
Jiayun brand oral treasure mouthwash which can kill oral bacteria and decompose vscs and get rid of halitosis as soon as possible . 我給您介紹一個高科技產品,就是“佳運牌口腔寶消毒藥劑” ,它可以殺滅口腔內的致病菌,同時分解口腔內的硫化合物,迅速消除口臭。 |
Across the country , passengers stood in security lines for hours and trash cans overflowed with everything from mouthwash to shampoo and wine 美國所有機場內的乘客都要在安全線內站立等候數小時,同時還得拋棄身邊所有的罐頭,從漱口水瓶、洗發水到啤酒瓶等。 |
Therefore , during the process of keeping oral health and care , a regular use of jiayun brand oral treasure mouthwash can effectively prevent and cure canker sores 因此,大家在做好口腔健康的同時,要經常用佳運牌口腔寶漱口,會起到預防和治療的作用。 |
Regular usage of jiayun brand oral treasure mouthwash can help keep oral hygiene , prevent oral diseases and reduce the possibility of cross - infection 所以經常使用佳運牌口腔寶會在保持口腔衛生預防疾病減少交叉感染上起到一石幾鳥的作用。 |
As well as doing this you should also be practising good oral hygiene , including brushing and flossing your teeth , and perhaps adding regular mouthwashes 同時你也應該有良好的口腔衛生習慣,包括刷牙,使用牙線,有可能的話增加日常漱口。 |